July 2015 Moms

Hand sucking

My LO sucks his hands constantly. He gags himself over and over again! Recently he started refusing the bottle because it got in the way of his hand sucking. I have to hold his arms down for him to eat. Anyone else have an obsessed hand sucker?

Re: Hand sucking

  • My girl loves to suck on her hands! I have to take them out of her mouth when it's time to eat. She freaks out until she realizes she's eating. I've tried putting a pacifier in instead of her hands. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
  • edited November 2015
    My DD LOOOOOOVES her hands and it's driving me crazy! I would much rather her suck a pacifier than her fingers, but she so far has refused every paci we've given her. She's stopped gagging quite as much, I guess she learned not to stick her fingers back too far. What drives me crazy is that her hands are always wet/cold. Boo!
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  • My baby is the same! He makes himself gag at times and i have to hold his hands down when feeding him !
  • It's the teething I tell you!! My son Loves his hands to (it's kind of adorable sometimes)! Gets upset when I take them out of his mouth. Hopefully it's just a phase!
  • Yes! Last week my LO was trying to get both fists in his mouth
  • My DD also loves her hands!! She makes me feel like i dont feed her enough lol. She even tries to put her hand in her mouth while i nurse her or while she is drinking a bottle. She wants to eat and suck her hands at the same time..
  • My guy loves his hands as well! He will gag himself at times but usually just sucks on them and drools....a lot! I also like that he does this as it puts him to sleep if he wakes up in the motn. I haven't had an issue with it getting in the way of feeding thankfully.
  • My little guy loves sucking his hands as well. He recently discovered he has two hands. He gets a little upset when they both can't fit in his mouth. It's cute his favorite is the left hand
  • nnewman4 said:

    but I love that my little man self soothes!! He's even started putting himself down for naps.

    I love that she can self sooth too instead of giving her a paci. However it hasn't helped her to put herself down yet. She has to be held and fights sleep really badly.
  • LO will take his paci and when it falls out, he attempts to put it back in and if he cant, he goes straight for his hands.

  • So glad to hear my LO isnt the only one obsessed with sucking her hands. I had never seen a baby do that. My girl does it constantly, gags herself and all. As of yesterday she has started sucking just her thumb at times. So I guess soon I will have a thumb sucker
  • Haha my little guy is exactly the same! Loves his hands!!!
  • My LO started this a couple weeks ago, too!
  • My girl loves to suck on her hands! I have to take them out of her mouth when it's time to eat. She freaks out until she realizes she's eating. I've tried putting a pacifier in instead of her hands. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

    This! Lol she freaks out and sometimes spits the bottle out of her mouth haha
  • This is my baby, too. He doesn't use a pacifier so I was wondering if this is why he sucks on his hand/fingers. Guess not! Looks like he isn't the only one :-)
  • My LO just started thumb sucking. She sucks her thumb until she falls asleep. She won't take a pacifier. I'm really hoping this is just a phase. I've heard thumb sucking is a hard habit to break.
  • My LO loves sucking on her fingers/thumbs and toes! As soon as she is diaper free, she loves to grab her feet and put her toes in her mouth. I keep cleaning her hands n feet at every diaper change...it's cute!
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