November 2015 Moms

Amelia Marie's birth story, unmedicated natural birth turned into c-section

ashwiseashwise member
edited November 2015 in November 2015 Moms
Hi all, I figured I'd share my birth story with you all in case it can help others. I was planning a natural unmedicated birth, but my daughter had other plans.

It's been a crazy 3 days but it was all worth it when I got to meet my daughter. Here's the abbreviated version of what has been happening. Thursday afternoon (39+2) I felt what was a small gush of fluid, but wasn't sure if it was my water breaking. So after a few hours of some leaking, but never enough to soak a panty liner, i ended up calling my midwife and they told me to hang in there and to come in if labor started, otherwise they'd see me at my appointment Friday morning. Well after an evening of irregular contractions I ended up just waiting it out and went into my appointment Friday morning. Turns out it was in fact my water breaking and amelia's head was acting like a cork which is why there wasn't the normal gush of water. So they started inducing me since my contractions were still irregular. I ended up laboring from 3pm Friday afternoon (24 hours after my water broke) until 9am this morning without an epidural on pitocin. It was one of the most painful and exhausting nights I've had. At 9am the doctors let me know that I was not progressing any further than 4cm dilated for the past 12 hours, and Amelia and I were both showing the beginning signs of distress and both of us were exhausted. And since it had been so long since my water had broken the risk of infection was increased. So we ended up 36 ish hours after my water breaking to make the call that it was time for a c section. So completely far from my plan of an unmedicated natural birth but I'm completely okay with our decision, and I know I made the right choice for my little family.

Thanks for reading :-D
BabyFruit Ticker

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