June 2015 Moms

Longest car ride

What is the longest car ride you've done with LO so far and how did it go?

We are contemplating a drive to Florida from Pennsylvania To visit my in laws in December. We would of course have plenty of stops and stay overs in between. I think it might be too much and would prefer to fly but my husband thinks we could do it. It's 17.5 hours. Thoughts?

Re: Longest car ride

  • We've done a 12 hour trip, and 10 hour trip, but both of those were really early (2 weeks old, and 6 weeks old). If I had to drive that far again, I would definitely do it overnight.

    We just decided we will fly for thanksgiving instead of taking a 7 hour drive.

    But don't be discouraged if you decide to drive, it definitely can be done! !!!
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  • We've done the four hour trip to my parents house a few time. When she was younger she would sleep the whole time if I didn't have to pull over. Good luck!
  • We did a 6 hour car ride and stopped once to feed him. He slept the entire time! It was magical. Now if only he would sleep at night. Hm
  • I've done a 7 hour drive complete with LA traffic by myself with LO there and back and it was fine, though not ideal. I tried to leave by 4am and took my time stopping a lot to bf/change diaper/play in the backseat for 20-45 min breaks. The drives ended up taking 10 hours there and 9 hours back
  • amsargent08amsargent08 member
    edited November 2015
    When LO was about 2 1/2 months old we did a 10 day, 2600 mile road trip out to Michigan. She likes the car and slept a good portion of the time. We just knew going in that we'd have to make more stops than other road trips we've taken but overall it went really well! More recently she's done a few 2-2 1/2 hour road trips to visit friends in south Jersey. She's slept for most of them, but loves her turtle toy to play with when she is awake. Good luck if you go for it!
  • Wow, I thought our 3 hour drive to Atlanta (that took us 5 hours) was something to brag about haha..
  • We recently did a 30 hour drive moving home. The first day went great, we switched drivers every 3 or so hours to give me time to pump and feed LO that way we didnt have to add more stops. When we did stop for gas/food we made sure to get LO out of his seat. If you time everything right it works out great. He loves to sleep in the truck. The second day LO was a little stir crazy and fussy, so once night rolled around we pushed to get to our destination. It's definitely doable with some planning but honestly as our LOS get older and more mobile that drive would be miserable, save some of your sanity and fly if possible!
  • We did a 20 hr trip split over 4 days. (At 5 weeks, then returned at 11 weeks) Some days were better than others. One of the best, we got up and left after his 3am feeding. He slept most of that leg.
    Since then, our longest trip has been 3 hrs. I thought it would be worse at 5 months, since he never naps, and sat in back with a good supply of books and toys, then he slept both ways!
    I would decide based whether we can stay at the destination long enough to make it worth it.
    Even if you can give bottles while driving, LO still gets restless and needs to stop and get out of the carseat pretty often.
    Me-37, DH-38
    Married in 2006, TTC #1 since Jan 2012

    Baby Boy born June 1, 2015

    He settles her in her home as a happy mother of children, praise the Lord! (Psalms 113:9)
    And the peace of God, which surpasses all understand, will guard your heart and mind in Jesus Christ (Philippians 4:7)

  • We did a 14 hour drive to Florida when the girls were 3 months. We just told ourselves that we were going to be patient and go with the flow. You never know when or why you'll have to stop.

    We enjoyed packing our lunch and dinner and then stopping at rest areas. We were then able to lay the girls out on a blanket and give them time out of the car seat and fresh air. Good luck!
  • We drove to Florida with DS at 6 weeks old! Came back to PA when he was almost 11 weeks! Worst thing we ever did! He now hates being in his car seat! He cried so much. Omg if we ever go to Florida again I will take a plane!

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  • Each of you are so brave! :)

    I thought i was a badass for taking LO on a four hour drive. I applaud you all!
  • MurLindzz said:

    I thought i was a badass for taking LO on a four hour drive.

    You are!!
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