What is the longest car ride you've done with LO so far and how did it go?
We are contemplating a drive to Florida from Pennsylvania To visit my in laws in December. We would of course have plenty of stops and stay overs in between. I think it might be too much and would prefer to fly but my husband thinks we could do it. It's 17.5 hours. Thoughts?
Re: Longest car ride
Two months ago, a 9 hour ride took us 12 hours because LO screamed most the time and we had to keep stopping. It was absolute hell. Now he's a pro, and it's no big deal.
We time our departure for his first nap of the day, so he starts off sleepy and takes his longest nap. We use overnight diapers instead of regular ones. We can now get away with stopping twice in a 9-10 hour ride, though I've admittedly, ahem, twice leaned over his seat to BF on the road.
What helped us was to always have someone in the back seat with him, and we have a huge arsenal of toys that we use one at a time. When we stop, we stop for 30 minutes and play hard with him during that time.
Good luck!
PS, we've found he likes food wrappers better than real toys, when in his car seat. We have also found that in his car seat, he will get a little hysterical right before he passed out for a nap. We used to pull over but now we give him 10 minutes, and he usually falls asleep. Oddly, he likes very loud, vigorously shaking rattles or white noise apps to fall asleep in the car. We don't use either as much at home, and you'd think the car would be enough white noise, but apparently not. This is probably individual to my kid, but whatever helps...
We just decided we will fly for thanksgiving instead of taking a 7 hour drive.
But don't be discouraged if you decide to drive, it definitely can be done! !!!
Since then, our longest trip has been 3 hrs. I thought it would be worse at 5 months, since he never naps, and sat in back with a good supply of books and toys, then he slept both ways!
I would decide based whether we can stay at the destination long enough to make it worth it.
Even if you can give bottles while driving, LO still gets restless and needs to stop and get out of the carseat pretty often.
We enjoyed packing our lunch and dinner and then stopping at rest areas. We were then able to lay the girls out on a blanket and give them time out of the car seat and fresh air. Good luck!
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I thought i was a badass for taking LO on a four hour drive. I applaud you all!