Did anyone not see a heartbeat at 6 weeks? We did a vaginal ultrasound today and saw a yolk sack and fetal pole but no heartbeat. My doctor said this is totally normal bc I could have ovulated later than normal which is typical for me. I didn't use an ovulation kit this time around so I have no idea when I ovulated. I'm just bummed bc I know how common it is to see a heart beat at 6 weeks. I go back Thursday to do another ultasound. I'll be 7 weeks 3 days. I'm so nervous.....I'm nervous bc the sack measured exactly what I am, 6 wks 4 days.
I figured I would post a small update: My nurse called me back today with my labs from Friday and my HGC is 20,000 and Progesterone was 43 so those are good signs that baby is growing like it should. I'm hoping by Thursday we will DEFINITELY see a heartbeat!!
Re: SMALL UPDATE No heartbeat at 6 weeks 4 days
Try to stay as calm as you can. I know this is scary. Thoughts and prayers for you.
Me: 33 H: 36
Married: 12/14/13 DS: 1/29/09
BFP2: 10/9/15 MMC: 11/12/15
BFP3: 4/6/16 DD: 12/12/16
I was so sure when I ovulated but maybe it was later, plus maybe implanted later too. My fingers are crossed for you. I hope you get good news soon. I'll keep you updated with my appointment on Wednesday. Be thinking of you, I think because you saw a fetal pole that it's very promising sounding as well. [-O<
I have my intake Friday and I am on pins and needles.
Prayers to you all for a relaxing week with minimal stress!
I didn't mean to post that photo. Ugh. And I don't know how to take it down. My phone is possessed. Sorry lol