July 2015 Moms


Who has nap advice? My 4 month old will nap in her crib (usually after about 5-10 minutes of crying), but will only sleep about 20-30 minutes. It would be fine if she didn't then get cranky, but she does because she is still tired (SHOCKING). Anyone have any tips?? She is an amazing night sleeper so I know she has it in her! We usually go for a walk and she will fall asleep again, but with winter approaching we can't bank on that as an option.

Re: Naps

  • I'm having the same problem. DD will only sleep for 15 to 20 mins before waking up and getting frustrated. She sleeps fine at night. Crazy little girl
  • Ditto! She will nap for a long time if I hold her. But, that's hardly ever an option for very long.
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  • I had the same problem...and honestly he fell asleep on his stomach once and took a 2 1/2 hour nap. So, now I let him nap on his belly. I have a video monitor and I watch him and check on him. He sleeps wonderfully. However, overnight he's in a Rock N Play, so he sits at an incline.
  • At least we are all in the same boat! If anyone has an "aha" moment please share. I've been asking moms with older babies and they say they are still young. Oh yes @LCretaro my LO was in the rock and play for a while overnight and it was a god send. Happy Halloween! Enjoy it ladies
  • Same here!!! Sleeps great at night but naps are 20-30 minutes and she gets more cranky as the day goes on since she is still tired :(
  • Yup same here 15 weeks and he sleep all night in his crib we just lay him down he goes to bed. During the day he really wants to be held and will cry and take a long time to fall asleep in his crib. He is better than before but it is still very frustratung! When he does fall asleep on his own for naps an hour is the longest he has slept.
  • From birth til about 14 weeks my LO napped for 2 hours, two or three times a day, sometimes longer. But something shifted in the past two weeks (he's 16 weeks now) and now naps are only 30 mins. He wakes up crying and is so cranky by the end of the day. So annoying! His nights have been getting better, so at least there's that...
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Baby is going on an hour nap!! Maybe we will all turn the corner soon. This just gives me hope :)
  • I'm really glad I'm not the only one with this problem. Mine still won't sleep through the night, but we can get a good 4-5 hours out of him. The naps are killing us though! Every now and then, the stars align just right an he will nap for over an hour. I wish I knew the secret!
  • I'm really glad I'm not the only one with this problem. Mine still won't sleep through the night, but we can get a good 4-5 hours out of him. The naps are killing us though! Every now and then, the stars align just right an he will nap for over an hour. I wish I knew the secret!

    We are exactly this...right there with you mama!!
  • In the same boat! She will nap in rock and play for small amounts but trying to wean her out of that! At night we do magic sleep suit in crib but that is hard to put on for each nap
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