Pregnant after a Loss

On and off symptoms or none at all??

Need some reassurance here. Had a MMC at eight weeks in July now currently five weeks pregnant and has anyone experienced on and off symptoms sore breasts one day non-the next more tired one day not tired at all has anyone experienced no symptoms at all whatsoever?

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Re: On and off symptoms or none at all??

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  • I'm going in Monday November 9th. Which is also my birthday. I'm trying really hard to think positively but those wicked thoughts enter my brain. I can wait till then. Going in early won't change the results. I just want to know what I'm experiencing is normal.
  • I am experiencing this now. The last few days my breast soreness has gone away. I'm so worried because that was my first sign something was wrong when I had a mc in June. Now I'm so worried. I have a scan on dec 8th. what happened with you @Knottie1432264442? Did the soreness come back or did it stop completely?
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