Hey all -
Admittedly I'm kind of uncomfortable with the fact that I have no idea when this will happen (I'm a planner) - but just wondering, especially for those of you who have temped/checked CM and have been through this all before -
Perhaps the fact that I'm a planner by nature runs contrary to my "not wanting to use hormonal BC" situation. I didn't want to deal with waiting for my cycle to readjust post-BC when I was ready to TTC #2 probably in about a year. I know that once you're regularly going more than 4 hours during the day or 6 hours at night without feeding/pumping you have a chance of your cycle returning - and I pretty regularly go 8+ hours overnight (usually only 3 hours during the day). I was hoping I wouldn't have to deal with my period again for many many months, but it kind of looks like that won't be the case?
What have your experiences been, and what signs were present before your period returned?
Re: EBF and period returning - question
If you don't want to get pregnant and you don't want to use hormones, have you considered a copper IUD? Very effective, no hormones, and return to fertility right after taking it out. I had one put in since there is no way I can handle another baby again so quickly. But maybe there is another option that would work for you so how about discussing it with your OB-GYN?
My question was just whether the normal signs of ovulation are present in the first PP cycle, or if things like ewcm can just happen randomly PP because your hormones are out of whack. Also wondering for those of you whose cycles have returned how you knew they were coming. I've been told that the first PP period is a doozy. Not super looking forward to it!
I guess this was kind of a stupid question though based on the lack of responses. ;-)
I found the following;
-normal flow
-normal length
-normal cramping and acne breakout
I didn't know it was coming but I had been waiting for it knowing at some point it would return.
I'm lost on some of the abbreviations and terms you've used in your questions and that put me off responding because I wasn't sure I could offer anything relevant or helpful... Perhaps you would get a better response if you clarified?
@christinabrtn sorry about the abbreviations...I was using the terms that are common on the Trying to Get Pregnant board (TTGP), where I know a lot of us started when we first came to the Bump. EWCM = egg white cervical mucus (which typically indicates ovulation is near), pre-O = pre ovulation, PP = post partum, TTC = trying to conceive.
I'm just a little nervous about when it will start up...in high school my cycles were spectacularly irregular, and I cannot even count how many times I didn't realize they had started until I had bled through my pants. Slightly traumatic, and I'd like that to not happen to me at work. I'd hate to have to start wearing liners every day but I think I might have to, just so I'll stop stressing about it! When I came off the pill last year my cycles were actually reasonably regular, so once the first period shows up I should have at least some idea of when they next one will follow, thankfully. Not knowing wtf is going on is the worst!
I got my first PP period at the end of September, LO was about 15/16 weeks then. I actually found my first PP period to be lighter, no cramps and not too crazy. My second PP period (right now) has been heavier but again nothing crazy. I do believe my period returned because I dropped my MOTN pump (so going 8+hrs no pumping) and my day pumps were every 3-4 hours instead of every 2-3 hrs.
I noticed when I got my first PP period that I had noticeable EWCM. A couple weeks after that I got my first PP period. May not be connected but that was my experience.
Also, I didn't bother temping before my first PP period. I have heard it's pointless and so we just always used condoms. I just kept an eye on my CM (nothing to really note) and tracked very loosely. Now I'm back to temping and tracking again since I've had my first PP (and second PP) period.
I was hoping I also wouldn't have to deal with my period for many more months, but oh well! Maybe you won't have to! But if you do, look at it like this...you can get back to tracking and regulating everything in preparation for TTC#2!
Good luck!
@APago thanks so much! That was really helpful, and basically exactly what I'm planning to do. :-)
I've dropped my MOTN pump most nights but not all...but I'm thinking that's probably enough. LO has been STTN or only waking up once (at least 7 hours after going to bed) since she was 10 weeks old, and she's now 18 weeks. If I wake myself up and am engorged and in pain MOTN, I will pump, but otherwise I try to make it until my alarm goes off at 5 or until LO wants to eat (which has been happing a bit more often now with the 4 month regression). In January I'm going to start trying to cut daytime pumps from about every 3 hours to every 4-5 while I'm at work, so if it doesn't happen now, I'm sure it will at that point. I'm still running a surplus now even after cutting the MOTN pump, so I'm really only doing it because I'm in too much pain to go back to sleep without it.
Good to hear it wasn't way worse than normal! My doctor told me that after each of her 3 kids were born her first PP period was horrible - extra crampy and extra heavy. So I'm hoping that doesn't happen to me!
I go back to work in January and am planning to drop my pumps to every 4-5 hours so I was thinking my period would return then, but I got it earlier so go figure!
Everyone reacts differently to their PP periods. My pre-baby periods were horrible! Super crampy, my first day was usually a write-off, and heavy. I've noticed a big change in my cramps, as in I don't get any! Hooray! So things have changed for me in some ways. But with that being said, this second PP has been really heavy.
I wish you light and crampless PP periods! [-O< Haha
You might know in a couple weeks or your increased EWCM could just mean your body slowly gearing up again and it might actually take a couple of months to kick in (this was my hope).
Its a pain not knowing when you'll get your first PP period, so you can be prepared, but you seem to be pretty in tune with your body so just look for the little signs!