September 2015 Moms

Friend's breast milk?

I've had to start supplementing my baby because she wasn't gaining enough weight. I feed her, pump then feed her that (about an oz), then give her another ounce or 2 of formula. I have a friend that I trust that has a freezer stash she's willing to give me. I'm sure the friend has no diseases, I'd take a blood transfusion from her! Is there any reason why I shouldn't give this milk to my baby?

Re: Friend's breast milk?

  • I think you answered your own question :) if you're ok with it then go for it!
  • I had a friend whose little guy is about 7 months older than my little guy. My milk never came in and we did use donor milk for a week or so when he was in the NICU. My friend offer to donate some of her freezer stash, but the NICU nurses said that because her baby was older then the milk would be different and have what her baby needed and not mine.
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  • I used my best friend's milk with my first DD. nothing wrong with it!
  • I think it's fine to supplement with. Like PP said, the milk won't be fine tuned to your baby's needs, so I wouldn't do a feeding with just your friends milk. Even your own milk wouldn't be as tuned to baby when you freeze it though, so I wouldn't let that stop you.
  • That's a terrific friend, I would use it
  • That's so cool! Glad you've got a friend like that :)
  • That's a great friend! While the milk wouldn't be as closely tuned for your baby-it is still perfectly designed for a baby. Formula never changes (I mean from day to day or feed to feed)-and it's given to both newborns and older babies.

    I know several moms locally that donate milk-I would use it!
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