July 2015 Moms

Back in the saddle?

im wondering for those who have had or are having sex, did it hurt? how much it hurt? when did/does it go away?

Re: Back in the saddle?

  • Think I was a lucky one as it didn't hurt me at all. I was quite worried about it as I had a third degree tear and lots of stitches. The first time we did it I had a glass of wine to help relax. It doesn't feel the same as it did before I had the baby, but it's still good.
  • i had the same tear and stitches but it hurt and stung heaps that he couldnt even get all the way in. hoping it will get better and easier.
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  • I had a c-section and it hurt me... We waited 8 weeks PP but it had been a few weeks before birth. The second time hurt a little too but it went away soon after.
  • I had a c-section (but was fully dilated and pushing for almost 3 hours). It hurt bad enough that we only attempted the first few times. It took several tries after that to really enjoy it again. Now it's great-just wish I had more energy for it!
  • I've been doing the deed since 6 weeks and some positions still hurt. I tore pretty bad and had a lot of stitches. The perineum area is still very tender 14 weeks out.
  • 17 weeks pp and it still is tender sometimes. Some positions are worse that others
    BabyFetus Ticker
  • It sucks and it's scary. Don't do it until you're ready. Use lube. Booze helps.
  • Glad I'm not the only one! We did it for the first time just short of 6 weeks pp. it hurt, but not enough to stop. We are now 15 weeks pp and while it doesn't necessarily hurt anymore, I'm still very sensitive where I tore and had stitches (2nd degree). Definitely use lots of lube, especially if you're breastfeeding. Breastfeeding can cause vaginal dryness.
  • thanks everyone!!
  • 13 weeks PP here, still tender at times. Initially sex is a little painful but after a couple minutes it usually goes away. I just take it really easy at first.
  • 15 weeks PP and we've done it four times, mostly because we're too tired and because I was really uncomfortable. The last time was so much better - only hurt at the beginning. So, try try try again is the only way it's gonna get better. :)
  • 14 week PP and had a c-section. Doctor ok'd us at 5weeks and tried and hurt so bad that we waited another 3 weeks to try again. Was much better that time around as I wasnt swollen anymore. But have only done it about 5 times since baby has been born... Because full time working/full time baby = two very tired parents, and with pumping every 3 hrs...it gets easier im sure of it!
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