November 2015 Moms

Favorite pads?

We're making a Target run before I'm induced next week, and figured I better stock up on post-baby necessities for me (FTM). It's been a long time since I used a pad...anyone have a favorite to recommend? Thanks!

Re: Favorite pads?

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    The ones they give you at the hospital are huge, but great when you are still bleeding a lot. Most nurses will give you extra to take home also, ask for some of the mesh underware also great with the huge pads and no risk of ruining your own underware.
    I like the always thin overnight pads for when the bleeding slows down.
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    I used these purple ones I think they were Always Overnight Pads. They were amazing! When my water broke it didn't get anywhere it was awesome. I never got any blood on anything thankfully they worked so well.
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    jln114jln114 member
    edited October 2015
    Thank you!
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    tinaaytinaay member
    edited October 2015
    I used kotex ultra thin longs, they are as long as the ones the hospital gives you but not as bulky and thick, but they still absorb just a as much. I also stuck a long panty liner in the back so my underwear were covered front to back to prevent leaks when laying down.
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    I usually get 1 package of the Always brand maxipads...the thick ones and switch to the ultra thins that I usually use when the bleeding slows down.

    Whatever brand you get, get ones with wings on the side. They stay in place so much better, and I've never had underwear ruined from side leaks when I have a pad with wings on!

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    Thank you for posting this. It not only helped me figure out which pads to buy but also to get a move on buying them!
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    This may be an UO but I definitely prefered the thicker pads after DS was born, at least while I was still feeling mighty tender. I ran out and used a regular thin overnight pad, hated it, and sent my mum out to buy more of the mattress-sized ones asap. I found the extra padding (literally) was so much more comfortable, and as weird as this sounds my undies feeling "full" of pad was somehow more reassuring that I wasn't going to leak. I've stocked up on Always Maxi Overnight pads because they're thicker, have wings, and have wider coverage at the back which is definitely a more leak-prone area. I probably have more than I'll need, but DH is a silly squeamish boy and is weirded out by buying tampons (Too. Many. Choices.)  so I'm pretty sure his head would actually explode in the store if I asked him to get pads... 
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    I was shopping for my pads, when I saw a mom with her baby in the same aisle. I asked her what pads she recommended? She said the target brand worked perfectly fine for her. I got the ones for heavy flow (day and night) and was able to use my Cartwheel (not sure if the offer is still there).
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    I got some of the depends...I hear they're great and convenient, even if my DH is destined to make fun of me for wearing them :p

    Lol I almost did the same thing. But instead decided to get adult pee pads to use.
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    Get HUGE ones, especially in case of a c-section, you'll be using on on the incision and in your underwear. General rule: the bigger, the better. 

    I never needed a pad for my incision.. Maybe I'm missing something.

    Anyway, after my c-section I was told that you typically bleed less than you would with a vaginal birth but the bleeding might last longer. That was my case. I only needed to use thick pads for about a week then the other 8 I used a thicker panty liner.

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    Good to know, thanks!
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    Don't forget to make padsicles too! 
    If there's something strange underneath the hood.  Who you gonna call?  Your Doctor.  If there's something weird and it don't look good.  Who you gonna call?  Your Doctor.  Immediately.  If it's new, painful, and possibly pregnancy related get your ass off the internet and call your doctor.  It's for your health and your child's. 

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    Don't forget to make padsicles too! 

    I was thinking about this...totally worth it??
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    ZoeH3 said:
    Get HUGE ones, especially in case of a c-section, you'll be using on on the incision and in your underwear. General rule: the bigger, the better. 
    I never needed a pad for my incision.. Maybe I'm missing something. 
    It's what my hospital does, I thought it was common practice, I stand corrected.
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    edited October 2015
    rachswi said:

    A lady in our church bought me a bulk package of Always pads. They aren't the overnight, but I figure I'm going to be getting up all the time for feedings anyway and will be changing pads regularly anyway. Saved me a random expense, that's for sure!

    Also, I am so not ready to need to wear pads again. I feel like I'm going to be back in middle school.
    Lol, someone gave you pads as a gift? I'd love to see that thank you card! ;)
    Me: 28, DH: 40
    Married 9/28/13
    DS born 11/12/15
    EDD 8/13/18
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    ZoeH3 said:

    Get HUGE ones, especially in case of a c-section, you'll be using on on the incision and in your underwear. General rule: the bigger, the better. 

    I never needed a pad for my incision.. Maybe I'm missing something.

    Anyway, after my c-section I was told that you typically bleed less than you would with a vaginal birth but the bleeding might last longer. That was my case. I only needed to use thick pads for about a week then the other 8 I used a thicker panty liner.

    I never needed a pad for my incision either. But it never hurt.

    I bled like crazy after my CS though. In the hospital I was soaking through pads, my gown and even the pad under me for 2 days!
    When I got one I wore depends with a giant pad in them! That was great for night time because I didn't fear leaks in my bed.
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    rachswi said:

    A lady in our church bought me a bulk package of Always pads. They aren't the overnight, but I figure I'm going to be getting up all the time for feedings anyway and will be changing pads regularly anyway. Saved me a random expense, that's for sure!

    Also, I am so not ready to need to wear pads again. I feel like I'm going to be back in middle school.
    Lol, someone gave you pads as a gift? I'd love to see that thank you card! ;)
    Hahah right? Thankfully she decided to hold off and gave them to me at a different day and not at the shower itself.
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    Pontot31 said:

    ZoeH3 said:

    Get HUGE ones, especially in case of a c-section, you'll be using on on the incision and in your underwear. General rule: the bigger, the better. 

    I never needed a pad for my incision.. Maybe I'm missing something.

    Anyway, after my c-section I was told that you typically bleed less than you would with a vaginal birth but the bleeding might last longer. That was my case. I only needed to use thick pads for about a week then the other 8 I used a thicker panty liner.

    I never needed a pad for my incision either. But it never hurt.

    I bled like crazy after my CS though. In the hospital I was soaking through pads, my gown and even the pad under me for 2 days!
    When I got one I wore depends with a giant pad in them! That was great for night time because I didn't fear leaks in my bed.
    In the hospital the bed pad was enough for me. It might be because I am usually very irregular and light though.
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    Kotex ultra thin for overnight are great! I used them with my first and found them to work well and I didn't feel like I was walking around with stuff stuck between my legs. I also don't like how certain pads seem to have a 'sound' when you wear them and are walking. Kotex doesn't give me that 'sound' if that makes any sense. Lol.
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    jln114 said:
    Don't forget to make padsicles too! 
    I was thinking about this...totally worth it??
    I had never heard of them with my first so I have no experienced advice to give, but some of the ladies I trust on here highly recommend them.
    If there's something strange underneath the hood.  Who you gonna call?  Your Doctor.  If there's something weird and it don't look good.  Who you gonna call?  Your Doctor.  Immediately.  If it's new, painful, and possibly pregnancy related get your ass off the internet and call your doctor.  It's for your health and your child's. 

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    I'm a FTM and haven't worn a pad in forever, but I think I'm going the Depends route as well. That's what all my friends have recommended!

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    I made some padsicles the other day. FTM here so I have no idea if they will work out, but we'll see!
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