My MIL I believe has truly crossed a line. Not only does she tell everyone that I do not allow her to see the baby (which we tell her all the time she's allowed to come see her. Baby not allowed at her house due to her SO being on drugs and known for having them in house), but she literally calls my daughter her daughter. She has said multiple times that she is her daughter. She tries to do all of her first things with her when I'm not around. Even went and had a mothers ring made with all of her suns birthstones and my daughters. Throws a huge fit every time my SO and I want to do something is just us three. Says that she should be the one there for every little thing. Not me. I'm the mother I'm the one that should be there for special things. I just don't understand her saying that my baby is hers and trying to keep me from doing things for my baby. It's driving me insane. Does anyone else have this problem and if so how did you handle it?
I also want to add that my SO has been amazing at standing up to me, but she's stubborn and always plays the victim. She is always right even if there's proof right in her face saying other wise. It doesn't cause to much stress between my SO and I thankfully, but I want my daughter to have a relationship with her grandma and right now it seems nearly impossible.
Re: In law problems rant/seeking advice
And remember one day we will all be some crazed MILs
And if you're friends on Facebook, for gods' sake unfollow her.
"No, she's not your daughter, she is my daughter. End of discussion, bye"
"We (your DH, your LO, and you) are doing this thing this weekend"
"But I should be the one to be there!"
"No, I should, because I'm her mother. And as long as you continue to act in this way, the answer will continue to be no. End of discussion, bye"
"No, I am not leaving my baby with you because you always try to feed her (or insert other 'first' here) against my wishes when I leave her with you. End of discussion, bye"
Once these have been said / established, it becomes "I'm not discussing this with you. If you are going to continue, this conversation is over. Oh, you're continuing? OK, bye"
Say no because you are the parent. And then just walk away. Disengage and leave that behind you. So she talks shit about it, who cares? Would you rather care more about what some people think than what's important to you regarding your daughter? I know i wouldn't. As for having a relationship with grandma, that can be established later, once the lady isn't acting so cray.