September 2015 Moms

How many dirty nappies daily? How do i help him poop?

He poop once daily and on a dry nappy, he will not just do it till i change him, i notice that and then i keep changing to make him do it, he seem uncomfortable so i'd have to change thinking thats what he wanna do, now he havent done it for d day and he seem like he want to but he cant, iv changed enough for d day waiting for that but he keep pushing and nothing yet, how do i help him, i dont wanna deal with a constipated baby.

Re: How many dirty nappies daily? How do i help him poop?

  • How old is he? Is he formula or breastfed? My LO is breastfed and 6 weeks and the doctor said it's normal for them to poop only once a week! She goes about once a day or every other day
  • Oh he is 3wks 4days, mixed feedings, i thought he have to poop daily
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  • Have you tried gas drops?
  • My LO is 3 weeks and he poops maybe once a week. Don't worry about it unless his poop comes out as little pebbles that means he's constipated
  • My LO is 3 weeks and he poops maybe once a week. Don't worry about it unless his poop comes out as little pebbles that means he's constipated
    This exactly. My LO started pooping once every 4-5 days at about 2 weeks. Our pediatrician said she's not constipated. As long as LO's getting enough wet diapers and eating and gaining well, it's no biggie.

  • Yeah i give him gas drops before feeds, thank u for the advice.
  • My LO goes once a day. My DD2 went about twice a week at this age.
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  • I must have a big pooper on my hands! My 4 week old goes between every feeding, so 8-10 times a day! Dr said babies could go through 10-15diaperrs a day and thatst normal
  • My PD recommended taking a rectal temp with plenty of vacceline to stimulate the area when my EBF baby hadn't gone for 5 days. You could call your doctor and see what they suggest.
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  • Oh thank you ladies, he's gat daily routines for the poops, so once its time, he begin to struggle to push it out, iv also notice the poop is a bit thicker than before, what could be the reason? Or is it still normal?
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