Anyone else pregnant in their 40's? This is my 6th pregnancy (4 live births) but beside my mmc last June, my last baby was 13yrs ago! Feeling excited but nervous too. Anyone else in same boat? I'm 44 December. Tia x
@dawnie0022 are you nervous starting all over again? When the babies born in june, My eldest will be 24, my daughter 19 and my youngest will be 14 and 13. Also are they monitoring you closer as higher risk or not? I lost 1 4 mths ago so very scared it will happen again cause of my age. Tia xxx
I'm 40. This is my 4th pregnancy. I had a mmc this past February and this little nugget will be born in February. I have a 16 yo and 9 yo. They are monitoring me closer w monthly ultasounds. The last appt I had the Dr. mentioned that they wouldn't let me go past my due date bc of my age. I'm assuming that means induction?
I'm 39, 40 in January. This is my 4th pregnancy/child. I have a 12 yo, 10 yo, 5 yo, and this baby is due end of December. I see a specialist because of my age. But I think that is a precaution.
@kira91499 sorry for your loss. X I've asked for an early US hopefully around 8wks instead of usual 12 as the last ones heart had stopped at 7wk+6 but didn't know until scan at 10+5. Didn't realise they don't let you go past due date. 2 of mine were 11 days over induced! X
I'm 42 and will just be 3 months shy of my 43rd birthday when my precious little one is born. I'm a 1st time mom and single by choice. Such an amazing time! :x
I am 43.. My children are 22 and 19. Huge gap. So much has changed since I was pregnant with them. From the foods to avoid to the technology used now. I am nervous about starting over, but I have a lot of help and support from family and friends. I worry about not having the energy though. I know I'm going to b extra tired for a few years.
I'm 42 and will be 43 when this baby is born. I have a 15 year old and a 17 year old so it's like starting over. I'm 8 weeks 3 days and don't think I'll be able to fully relax until 12 weeks.
Hi ladies! I am 42 and baby is due in June! My daughter is 19 years old! I remarried, and never thought I was going to try again! We lost our angel baby back in February. So, extremely scared, and just taking it day by day!!
I'm 42 and am ttc#1. If we ttc soon I will be 43 when he/she is born. I'm nervous about being an older mom but also don't want to miss out on the experience.
I'm 41 and will be 42 when I deliver...this is my third....I think I have read to many articles on pregnancy in your 40s because I'm starting to scare myself....seeing you all on here makes me feel better and let's me know things can go right.
I'm 41, 3rd pregnancy have 9 & 10 yr old. This baby was an oops ! I'm just going with the flow and have tried no to worry about things out of my control. I'm 38 weeks and of course my body hasn't held up as well as it did 10 yrs ago but I didn't expect it to ! Tired is an understatement
Wow, you and I are pretty much in the same boat.Except that I will be only 6 wks this week.
Im 42 and if everything works out, I will be a first time single mom (by
choice) at 43. Im hopeful, excited and anxious at the same time!
I'm 40 and expecting twins in April they will be # 5&6. My older children live with my ex, 17 and 16. At home my husband and i have 2 daughters 12 and 3. We lost our very loved Angel boy last April. The twins are due the very day we lost our Angel. Crazy how this world works. His ❤ stopped at 15 wks, i delivered him around 17 wks. In any case never figured that our last try would give our family double joy. Both babies have been very healthy so far. Great scores on their nt scans. I'm 17 wks now. Starting to be very excited and less frightened. We feel very blessed.
I'm 40 and have a healthy beautiful 10 week old daughter. Debating number 2 but nervous about risk of downs etc as we get older. Wondering if anyone else feels this way.
I'm 42 and pregnant again after 3 miscarriages. I am 10 weeks and 2 days and everything seems to be on track . I am scared for miscarriage and scared for blood test of they show baby with Down syndrome . Counting days for my insurance to approve lab work to get them done
I found out I was preggo 1 week after my 40th birthday. I have one child who is about to turn 18. I struggled with infertility for years and had given up hope. We are still in shock but the nausea is real. I am currently 5 weeks 5 days, and patiently waiting for repeat labs and ultrasound to reassure myself that all is well!
Hello fellow moms in the 40 Fierce and Fine club I'm 42 my husband is 36 and we are pregnant with are 4th another son , two girls and two boys and we are finish. Feeling great despite the normal pregnancy moments just found out I failed the 1 hour glucose so I have to take the 3 hour next Monday
Katie ~wife to my beloved, Scottfor 25 years mama to SEVEN +1 wonderful Waggoners K~ 22yo, C~ 20yo, J~ 18yo, N~ 13yo, G~ 11yo, M~ 7, A~5 and baby due 2/12/2016
Congrats!! And happy 44th birthday! I am now 44 as well. I was on here last year but had a mmc at 10 weeks. I also had a mc at age 40..My only 2 pregnancies. I am barely 5 weeks now and SHOCKED (first time trying since the mmc) and scared. You all give me strength! Best wishes to everyone!!!
Re: Pregnancy in 40's
I am 42 and expecting my third in feb. I also have a big gap, my others are 17 and 14
Tired is an understatement
Wow, you and I are pretty much in the same boat. Except that I will be only 6 wks this week. Im 42 and if everything works out, I will be a first time single mom (by choice) at 43.
Im hopeful, excited and anxious at the same time!
mama to SEVEN +1 wonderful Waggoners
K~ 22yo, C~ 20yo, J~ 18yo, N~ 13yo, G~ 11yo, M~ 7, A~5 and baby due 2/12/2016
And happy 44th birthday! I am now 44 as well. I was on here last year but had a mmc at 10 weeks. I also had a mc at age 40..My only 2 pregnancies. I am barely 5 weeks now and SHOCKED (first time trying since the mmc) and scared. You all give me strength! Best wishes to everyone!!!