I'm a little nervous about leap 4. It lasts for 35 days! If the other leaps and growth spurts were what has been causing sleep troubles and crankiness, how will I survive this??? I'm so tired!
Omg no lol we are about a week in to leap 3, he will be 3 months tomorrow and it has been HELL. He was sleeping thru the night now he's up what feels like constantly even if it's not to eat. He's grumpy gus, can't nap unless held. I can't believe there's another one coming so soon and wr not done with this one yet! Ahhh!
I just feel like he has either been in a leap or growth spurt since he was born. I'm not sure if I even know what his "normal" is!
Hahahahahaha! So true! Maybe that's why "they" say to not worry about routines and schedules until after 4 months! We've just totally let LO call the shots and he has set his own routine. The only thing we started doing last week was bath before bed.
My app said that leap 4 starts tomorrow; I am also a little scared! LO still wakes up four times at night and often must be held for naps. What will this bring?
Though the prospect of her being able to comprehend her name is exciting. I just can't get over how smart babies are.
We're a few days away from leap four. Ugh!!!! I'm so ready for the fussiness to end and the happy baby stage to begin. My friend swears by 6months he'll be happy and way less fussy.
For the last two weeks my LO has been up every two hours it seems...but last night he gave me a full nights sleep. He didn't wake up til 6:30 this morning. My boobs weren't thrilled though.
I think we're in leap 4 a bit early, but he also has a bit of a cold. LO is 13 weeks (or 14 in wonder weeks) and EBF. He's Up every 2 hours at night now and He is not feeding well during the day. He keeps getting distracted and popping off every minute. Feeding is now taking forever! Anyone else having this issue?
@jenna&jesse2013 We are exactly the same! When he gets way to fussy I just pump and give him a bottle. It's tons of work and idk if it's right but he is so distracted during the daytime feedings! He's also up 1-3 times a night, last night he went down super easy from 9-12 and then he woke up and inconsolable cried for 2 hours straight! It was a nightmare
I feel the same way! We went from 7-8 hours a night straight in the crib to him crying it out as soon as we make a motion to put him down. He's been sleeping the past week and a half almost exclusively in his swing because it's the only place he's happy. Prior to this, we had a week of the happiest baby in the world, all smiles, giggles, and wanting to play.
He's sleeping worse than he did as a newborn, while he wasn't always the easiest to put down to sleep, it would usually go down within a half hour. Now he screams at my shoulder for 30 minutes straight before starting to tire himself out.
I got a notification on my phone Saturday that read 'leap alarm Owen is in leap 4'. I've never gotten this before and now I'm terrified! It's going to be so bad they're warning me now?
Oh my goodness this scares the crap out of me!!! I got the alert today for leap 4. Baby girl has been doing so good for the past 2 weeks or so even sleeping through the night. Leap 3 was horrible, I'm nervous just thinking about it.
Some days are worse than others, but overall the developments baby makes are really amazing and make it worth it in the end. (We have 23 more days in it!)
Yeah, although sleeping is still an issue, LO is doing many new things every day. So leap 4 has been exhausting so far, but it has its rewards too. Today he was shrieking in delight and was oh-so-close to laughing.
This leap is kicking my ass. The other leaps honestly were not bad so I was hoping she would sail thru this one, too. Not so fast! I just can't keep her happy these days!!!
Thank goodness there's a reason! She can't stand to be put down for a second lol. And by the way I'm jealous of people who can still use their swing. She loved hers but after 8 weeks it just didn't swing her enough even on the highest speed. It moved her maybe an inch back and forth. And I used to get some good naps out of that lol
My DD has been so difficult the last few days too. I remember my oldest being rough around 4 months too. I sure hope this passes soon. She's killing my boobs because she's pulling away while eating and waking up like ever 30-60 minutes all night
We are in it...exhausting and frustrating. My little man was sleeping 9-6 every night with 2-3 2 hour naps. He just won't sleep at all anymore when we try to let him cry it out he'll go 20 minutes before I hate myself for it and pick him up...but he still cries in my arms! Oh, and he went from eating every 4 hours to every 2! Holy boobs
We have 12 days left in leap 4...he's been fine until about a week and a half ago. He just startles easily when going down for a nap or to bed. He's also got a cold though..for almost a week now. I'm exhausted and ready for some sleep!
Says we still have 32 days left of this leap...but I think he's readjusting back to sleep after about 2-3 weeks (I think he started this leap a little early?). It's such torture to be given sleep back and then have it ripped away again!
I thought we were done with sleep regression. But alas, I was spoiled with one week of mostly sleeping and we're back to screaming all night long. The only place he doesn't seem to scream is in his swing. I don't even have to turn it on sometimes, he just wants to sit there.
I'm sure all the coffee I'm drinking isn't helping either, but I can't go without it!
We have 23 days left and LO seems to be fussy during the day and he likes to make grunting noises almost like he is complaining to us but he is still sleeping through the night. He has woken up earlier but still down from 11pm to at least 7am. I
Re: Leap 4
How long will this last?
DS1 7/24/15
DS2 5/7/17
Though the prospect of her being able to comprehend her name is exciting. I just can't get over how smart babies are.
Oh, and he went from eating every 4 hours to every 2! Holy boobs
Holy sleep regression!