May 2015 Moms

EBF & Pumping

I EBF when I'm with LO but I work so I pump 3x a day at work and generally once in the evening. I've noticed for the past couple of weeks my left breast feels hard on one side starting on Tuesday or Wednesday. I thought it was a clogged or plugged duct because it works itself out after a couple of days and it's back to normal by the weekend. But now I'm wondering if it's something else since it keeps happening. I can't seem to work it out myself and the pump doesn't either. When it happens, I always start LO on that side hoping he'll get it out but no amount of massaging really helps. Between pumps and feeding it feels hard and kinda hurts a little. It doesn't feel warm to the touch, just hard. Any thoughts on if this is just a plugged duct or something else?

Re: EBF & Pumping

  • I've had recurring plugged duct with milk bleb/blister. Check the nipple and see if there is a "whitehead" looking pimple. Usually, it pops once I scrape over it with my nail and when it pops, it sprays nonstop for a while. It is good that you have baby latch on the problem breast first. Baby is popping it for you in most cases when it works itself out. But definitely check for milk blebs.
  • Try using a hair brush on your breast during a hot shower, that's mum's advise :)
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