My little one has been teething for a few weeks now but I would of NEVER imagined we would teeth together LOL yes! I am teething and my wisdom tooth is coming..... At least now I can't understand him :-S PLUS side is we get to cuddle lol :x
Weather sucks today so no walk for us just cleaning, work and maybe a movie party we are also incorporating the bumbo and a jumper in our daily workouts now
I work from home doing web design, and it looks like I just picked up a new project today. I'm really excited, because it's for a business venture that's seen huge growth in the past year just from Facebook publicity alone. The women I'd be working with/for are amazing people, and I have a lot of faith in what they're doing.
I really love being able to do what I do. I get to spend my whole day with my LO, and my schedule is so flexible that I can work just during her naps, or after DH comes home and takes over baby duty.
I work from home doing web design, and it looks like I just picked up a new project today. I'm really excited, because it's for a business venture that's seen huge growth in the past year just from Facebook publicity alone. The women I'd be working with/for are amazing people, and I have a lot of faith in what they're doing.
I really love being able to do what I do. I get to spend my whole day with my LO, and my schedule is so flexible that I can work just during her naps, or after DH comes home and takes over baby duty.
That's such a blessing! I've also been thinking of ways I could work from home. Maybe just for the first year. They're just growing so fast but either way we get to come home to their cute little face and their sweet smile! Our little ones are just such a blessing! :x
Weather sucks today so no walk for us just cleaning, work and maybe a movie party we are also incorporating the bumbo and a jumper in our daily workouts now
I think I'll start tying the jumper too but I want to ask his pediatrician first and see what she says though
LO loves his jumperoo. We had to put a blanket under him just so he could touch a little better. But he loves to play with the toys on it and jump around. The box said 3 months and he loves to bu upright.
Re: Randoms!
My random is all 3 kids are really sniffly but nobody seems to have an actual cold. Allergies maybe?
TTGP July Siggy Challenge: Summer Fails
My Ovulation Chart