Nurseries and Baby Gear

Ftm Highchair question

I'm making a registry right now for a baby shower next month. I was thinking it would be nice to have a spot in the house, other than a bouncy seat, that I could set the baby down that was up higher than my dog could reach. (I'm really not worried about my dog with the baby, but thought it would be nice to have baby up out of dog zone at least at first just to be safe.) I was thinking that a Highchair that reclined would do the trick, and it would be nice to have one for later once he started eating food as well. Plus then we could have the baby at table height with us when we're eating. All the reclining high chairs I can find say they are for babies 3 mos and up though. The chicco and graco ones I've seen seem like they go back really far, so I can't figure out why I couldn't put a baby younger than three months in them, but my newborn experience is limited. Can anyone offer advice on this? Have you put very small babies in reclining high chairs before? Why do the manufacturers say 3 months and up? Or is there some Highchair you know of that would be newborn friendly?

Re: Ftm Highchair question

  • We have the Graco blossom chair and I really like it. The height adjust up and down, you can put it next to a kitchen island, regular and hightop table etc.
    I started putting K in it around 3mo. Haven't tried sooner, not sure why, so I can't speak to how a baby would do in one. They are SOO floppy and uncoordinated when they are little I feel like a LO would just slip through the cracks haha...
  • We also have the Graco Blossom high chair and love it. Not sure how a newborn would do in it though, or any high chair for that matter.
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  • I would suggest a pack n play with the newborn napper attachment. It should be high enough that the dog won't bother with it. Mine didn't anyway. My dog didn't bother her in the swing either which could work. If I needed to put her down somewhere as a newborn, it was either the newborn napper on the pack n play or the swing.
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