July 2015 Moms

Early bedtime (too early?)

My 14 week old usually has a bedtime anywhere between 6-730. I try to do bath routine and stretch her out longer but sometimes she's just too cranky or passing out. She then sleeps for a good 7 hours. If I could get her bedtime later, that might mean not waking up at 2 am and instead closer to my normal morning wake up time.
Any suggestions? Thanks!
She is EBF using expressed milk in bottles during the day when I'm at work.
Feeding Schedule during the day:
7am I nurse her
530-6 I nurse her
630ish falling asleep


Re: Early bedtime (too early?)

  • That's almost our exact bedtime! We put him to bed at 7 and wake up at 2 then 5 then whenever he gets up-usually around 7. If she went to bed later she would probably need to wake uplater. Babies still need 12-14 hours of nighttime sleep at this age. I've been wondering about dream feeds myself lately. Thinking of trying to feed him when I go to bed to avoid that 2 am wake up. I'm just afraid he won't go back to sleep or we'll start our 3 hour routine from there.
  • My LO falls asleep between 7 and 8pm. I do a dream feed at 10:30, he goes back to sleep pretty easily and he sleeps to around 5. During the day he eats every 2.5 hours.
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  • My LO set her own bedtime at 7-8. She used to wake up around 3-4, but now she just sleeps straight thru until 6-7. If I try to keep her up later, she just gets overtired and really cranky. She will also wake up at the same time anyways. I would just give your LO time, she will probably drop the MOTN when she is ready.
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