My son is now 5 weeks and has been in the NICU since the day he was born. He will be home by the end of this week. It is required that he feeds from the bottle so they can monitor exactly how much he eats in one feeding. They still let me breastfeed but now that he's had the bottle he doesn't take from me as well. They gave me a Medela nipple shield to use and that worked perfectly for a few days but now that he has the bottle more through out the day I think he's starting to confused. They are feeding him with Dr. Brown bottles, level 1 nipples. He'll take from me for a few minutes and then he gets angry and I feel so bad. I figure it's just not quick enough for him anymore or he really is confused. I pump constantly and they give him my milk. I'm just nervous that once he's home I won't have the patience to pump as much or if I'll even have time. I will be home alone through out the day. I really want to continue breast feeding. There's so much bonding time that we've missed already and I hear breastfeeding is one of the greatest bonds you can get with your child. Any suggestions on how to get him to take from both me and the bottle? Or should I just continue to pump and give up on the breast so he's at least getting my milk? They have had to supplement with similac a few times when my milk still hadn't come in and when they run out because he eats so much. I may just have to go buy some just in case. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
Re: I need help
My son is having the same issue
I've been trying overnight and he just screams and screams at the top of his lungs until I give him the bottle. I'm still pumping (which I hate... It is so time consuming and I have to do hands on pumping so I can't even do other things while I pump) and I'm starting to get nervous that we've reached a point of no return. He's 42 weeks corrected. So I'm hoping that's not the case, but I'm really worried...
I hope you get him latched and feeding well. Sorry I don't have any helpful tips. But just know you're not alone...