Two Under 2

4 u 3 .....

New here and wanted to say hi. I am the proud mama of 3 little boys, 2.5, 1, and 1week. My little sweeties all came to us though adoption and we found out a month ago we are expecting our first home grown one in April. Yep that's 4 under 3, not totally sure how we are going to cope but we are excited. And advice or wisdom is much appeticated

Re: 4 u 3 .....

  • I'm "cookin'" number 2 right now, so no advice, but congratulations and thank you for adopting :)
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  • Congratulations! They will be close! I'm adopting my first early next year. :) we're fosters. We have 1 & 1 month. Sibs.
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  • Congratulations! And I'm jealous. Hubby and I are both from tiny families and long to create a big one. We have a 14mo and I'm expecting another. We've discussed adoption too because I have experienced loss and am 35. I'm happy to read this post :) thanks for the inspiration
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