
Weight lost

So hoping you guys make me feel better. LO lost 2 oz since leaving the hospital, I know not much but I was hoping he was more. We had latch issues at first that is why I am so concerned. Has this happened to anyone and still had successful breastfeeding?

Re: Weight lost

  • marijaa333marijaa333 member
    edited October 2015
    Our LO lost 10% of his weight in the first week. We had all kinds of BF trouble (latch difficulties, tongue and lip tie, mastitis, reflux that was not diagnosed for a long time, to name a few) but now, 5 months later, we're both nursing pros!  

    It just takes a long time to get things working. Don't be afraid to supplement if your baby needs it. We did it with a bit of donor milk at the beginning, my cousin did up to 80% formula at one point, and both of us are now exclusively breastfeeding without problems. Just make sure you pump if you're supplementing to maintain/increase your supply.
  • My little guy lost about 13% of his birth weight and took about 3 weeks to get back there. We supplemented with formula and were on a pretty strict feeding routine from the doctor. We also had a tongue tie issue causing a poor milk transfer. That got clipped right around 11 weeks and there's been no supplementing since. It takes time to get the hang of it! You're doing just fine!
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  • My little girl was 6 pounds 7 ounces at birth, 6 pounds 1 ounce leaving hospital 48 hours later, and 6 pounds even at her appointment with the Doctor the next morning. 48 hours after her appointment she was 6 pounds 4 ounces. She wasn't at birth weight yet but her gain of 4 ounces in 2 days was enough that they weren't concerned. She is exclusively breastfed. Over the next three weeks she gained 2.5 pounds so I wouldn't worry too much if your LO has a great latch and is eat regularly!!!
  • I may be misunderstanding here, but in the Uk, Australia and South Africa it is considered normal for babies to lose weight in the first few days until your milk 'comes in.' I wouldn't worry about supplementing with anything - your colostrum is enough until then.
  • @secretbaba it's normal to expect weight loss in the US also, but tgey like it regained withon two weeks. Most doctors will ask you to supplement earlier though. It's really the parents' choice if they do or not.
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