July 2015 Moms

Hair bow question

Girl moms...my LO is a baldy and I like to put headbands on her but I was wondering if any of you know of ones that don't leave marks/indents on baby's head??? I got a Halloween one as a gift and that one was good, minimal marks but wondering if anyone had other brands/material types with minimal marking??

Re: Hair bow question

  • edited October 2015
    I'm not sure of the brand but I bought a pack of elastic ribbon bows in pastel colors and have never had issues with indents. They were a little less than $3 for a pack of 5 I think.

    ETA: whoops forgot to say they were from Wal Mart
  • I second the ones from Wal mart they were my favorite with DD
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  • SBbabyonboardSBbabyonboard member
    edited October 2015
    The carters brand has been great but I actually just bought my own hair bow/flower headband making kit from etsy, comes with everything u need to make like 25 headbands for all different holidays ect! And that way u can make the headbands the proper length you need so they arnt too tight and leave marks!! They r super simple to make too! Just need a hot glue gun! :)
  • Nylon bands are non marking! Etsy has tons!
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