October 2015 Moms

Signs labor is imminent?

I'm wondering if you had any signs that labor was near? Anything feel different before labor actually hit?

Re: Signs labor is imminent?

  • I think I'm probably the exception here, but no. In fact, I hadn't even experienced one Braxton hicks before I started having regular contractions. I never had a bloody show, didn't lose my plug until I was already in the hospital ten hours into labor. I literally went to sleep and woke up in the middle of the night (39.5 weeks) with contractions are delivered 21 hours later.

    The only unusual thing was I had diarrhea before going to bed after weeks of constipation (sorry TMI I know) but I honestly didn't think anything of it at the time. I never got an unsettled feeling or a sense that something was going to happen.
  • On Friday evening I saw dark brown blood after urinating so I went to the hospital. It turned out to be my mucous plug with false labor. I'm still at home waiting for my water to break or bright red blood to appear. Every now and then I still have the dark blood but doctor said it's my cervix ripening.
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  • I always thought the bloody show was the tell-tale sign, but I lost mine on Wednesday and here I am, still pregnant.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I had a few contractions the day before labor started with me first and just had a feeling that go time was near.

    I had contractions on and off all day yesterday, so I'm thinking maybe today will be the day! (it's 4:45am here and I'm awake because of contractions again).
  • With my last two I didn't have any tell tale signs. A few BH randomly throughout the third trimester but that's about it. Labor started about 5.5 hours after a membrane S&S with my first. Second spontaneous labor 2.5 hours before my 39 week appointment. So far with this one I have no signs other than random painful contractions. I told my SO I feel like labor will start in the middle of the night since that's when the contractions come but I guess we'll see what his plans are lol
  • Spotting throughout the day, very mild cramping, a few contractions and the feeling that labor was near the day before my baby was born!
  • I have been in labor for the past month!!! You name it I leaked it at least 7 times, my body cleaned itself so well you can eat off it, and I have contractions all day every day but I'm only 1cm dilated. My first pregnancy was nothing like this and I want this kid to just pick a side! Either get out now or take it easy until your due date because you're stressing me out lol!!!

    All that ranting to say dont necessarily get your hopes up because these kids come when they feel like it.
  • The day I went into labor I had basically no signs. I didn't have any BH contractions all day. At like 9pm I lost my mucus plug, but there was no blood at all in it. At 11pm my water broke and real contractions started about a half hour later. By 4am I was 5-6cm dilated. So I went from nothing to something pretty quick.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • jrenee956jrenee956 member
    edited October 2015
    I've been having a lot of "telltale signs" and yet no labor... The doctor said I was 2cm dilated and 20% effaced at my last appointment on Thurs, since then I've lost my plug, had constant, mild cramping that suggests my cervix is thinning more, diarrhea and nausea, moodiness, and just a feeling that something is different. Hoping it all adds up to something soon.
  • I lost my mucous plug (2 weeks before birth) had way softer poo (about a week before birth) and then my water broke and had my daughter about 24 hours later but only labored about 7-8 hours. I went to the hospital on a Friday night (I have a September baby, due date was Oct 2nd) bc my water broke, I was dilated 1 cm and effaced 75%, but I was dilating anymore than that until about noon the next day, then had my baby at 7:58 pm on Saturday.
  • I feel like I am never going into labor, I'm not even dilated yet, but I still have a week to go until his due date. I go to the Dr. On Wednesday hoping something is going on down there....
  • Braxton hicks all day...not painful but so uncomfortable. Lightening crotch that brings tears to my eyes...39+2...Praying for patience. I'm still working full-time :(
  • What u have just described is me to a t.
    39+2 , BH all day and lightening crotch.
    Let's see if anything comes out of this for u or I.
    I have an OB appt tomorrow
    Good luck.
  • Most obvious for me would be the mucus plug. I started to lose it in bits about a week and a half before labor. But the day before labor started from my water breaking, I had LOTS of it throughout the day almost each time I would go to pee. And the night before, he got extremely active. More active than he'd ever been throughout the pregnancy. Dunno if that actually meant something but those are the two things I noticed.

    My MP was always clear btw. So even if it's not tinged with blood or brownish it's still valid
  • maiatene said:

    I have been in labor for the past month!!! You name it I leaked it at least 7 times, my body cleaned itself so well you can eat off it, and I have contractions all day every day but I'm only 1cm dilated. My first pregnancy was nothing like this and I want this kid to just pick a side! Either get out now or take it easy until your due date because you're stressing me out lol!!!

    All that ranting to say dont necessarily get your hopes up because these kids come when they feel like it.

    Story of my life right here. I completely relate and wish she'd pick one or the other!
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I'm hoping I don't have any tell-tale signs because man I'd LOVE to go into labor today (lets be real...any day sooner than later), and haven't lost my plug yet! 
  • With my first, I had contractions for at least 48 hours before anything truly started happening. I lost my mucus plug after the 48 hours and went to the hospital to find I was already 4 cm dilated. 7 hours later, my daughter was born. Now, I am 38 weeks and 3 days and I feel there is no end in sight! Random BH in the middle of the night. Some hurt to the point where I think "this is it!" Then nothing happens. My doctor made me feel as though I will be early again (my daughter was 5 days early) but as we are only 11 days away, I am getting extremely anxious!
  • @Mbechara how did your appt go? Mine is tomorrow.
  • @Mbechara how did your appt go? Mine is tomorrow.

    @ marieangie7
    Went yesterday. Had a S&S done. Dr believes that by Friday baby will be here.
    Had lots of BH all day and was feeling hopeful. Just before going to bed everything stopped. Ugh.
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