Los Angeles Babies


Hello, I want to get ideas from L.A. Moms.
I have my own online business and I work from home, and I have a 14 month old daughter. My husband works all day and I have no family or close friends around and I've been looking for sitters but haven't had any luck, so far.

I'm looking for a place I can work, while my daughter plays. Do you know or have any ideas for places/services in L.A? (Especially in the Valley)

I've tried the local library's children's room and a cafe that is also an indoor playground with wifi, but it didn't really work.

I found places/services where the staff supervises kids while I work, or just watch kids at their place, but they're a little too far away .

Daycare is too costly, with how much Im making with the business right now. (That's why I want more time to grow the business)

I want to look for any other places or options that make sense for us.

I would appreciate your advice!
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