
Restrictions during IVF

Hi Ladies! I start stimming tomorrow (Sat) and haven't heard much from my doctor in terms of restrictions. My co-worker who went through IVF had many restrictions, starting when she began stimming. So just curious - what have your doctors told you about what you should or shouldn't be doing. TIA!

Re: Restrictions during IVF

  • I was on excersize restriction due to ovary enlargement but I think that was it during the stim stage!
  • I was told to take it easy for 3 days following retrieval. I was in a lot of pain those3 days so there's no way i could've done anything physical.
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  • I had no restrictions until after the actual transfer, nothing during the stims phase.
    Every clinic is different and has differing views on what is the most effective when it comes to their patients. Also, most take each patient's health and history into consideration. If your doctor isn't worried about restrictions, you shouldn't be either at this point, and enjoy that freedom!
    Since my transfer I've been on bed rest 3 times, banned from exercise the entire time, and put and removed from pelvic rest too many times to even keep track of anymore.
  • I have been told that starting a couple days after stims start, I cannot do anything that would be considered strenuous....she said no running, lifting weights, sex, etc.
  • I haven't been told any restrictions while I'm on stims either, but I'm just one day 1. But I know I'll have bed rest the day of ER and ET. I figured as they see the size of the ovaries when i start going in for frequent ultrasounds they'll tell me then if I need to start restricting things.
  • They make it clear that they don't want us lifting over 10lbs during stimming. Also no exercise except walking. The fear is cutting blood circulation off to the ovary, causing it to twist and possibly losing the ovary.
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