
If you are using a nipple shield...

... Are you also pumping and if so how often? My little one was having latch problems so I was exclusively pumping for 8 days. Now she is latching with a nipple shield, but I was told to keep pumping after every feed because babies are less efficient getting milk for the nipple shield and we don't want my supply to go down. I am truly overwhelmed by this amount of pumping on top of breastfeeding. What is everyone else doing?

Re: If you are using a nipple shield...

  • I never personally heard that but I had to use a nipple sheild for a few months with my son do to being premature and latching problem early on and my supply never dropped. The lc I saw recommended it for us and we used it for probably two months until he was strong enough to latch onto breast. I pumped occasionally but not much. Have you talked to lactation? My advice would be just keep it up and eventually try and get baby off the shield. It does get easier hang in there:)
  • The LC recommended pumping after breastfeeding, but I honestly can't do it every time. I started pumping 1-2x per day when I feel really full, but otherwise I'm just putting baby girl to the breast. Everyday she seems to be doing better with the nipple shield, so I am encouraged. Thanks!
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  • I've been using a nipple shield since my LO was born (now 3 months), she hates my nipples. I too was so overwhelmed by breastfeeding and then having to pump after each feeding. Instead of pumping after each feed I would power pump when I had the time.
  • I pumped after every single feed when I was using her nipple shield. The shield doesn't stimulate your breast enough so that's why it's necessary to pump after to try to avoid any supply issues. I couldn't keep up with it, on top of bottle feeding in between nursing and pumping so I moved to exclusively pumping.
  • I use a nipple shield (flat nipples) and I only pump maybe once a day. LO has a lazy latch so she prefers the shield. I have a pretty good supply and my milk starts leaking every time I pop out my boob so my LC said I didn't have to pump or doing just once I day is enough. We have been able to BF without the shield for only a small amount of time before she gets frustrated but it's encouraging to know she can do it without the shield
  • I was doing that as well and it's just too much and overwhelming. Not sure if it's hurt my supply to not pump but now I only pump like once or twice a day.
  • I have pumped to relieve engorgement, but my lc doesn't think pumping is necessary at this stage unless I am hurting. I only use my nipple shield at night because DS gets tired and doesn't latch well. We don't need it during the day.
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