3rd Trimester

He's finally here!

So I was induced at 39 + 1 due to hyperemesis causing severe weight loss and due to the baby being big. They broke my water at 8am and I developed an infection and a fever by 10pm. I wasn't progressing very well and by 9pm was only 5cm and 80%. The pain was coming through the epidural and it was constant with no breaks between the contractions. In addition to the pain I was nauseous and vomiting, sweaty and shaking uncontrollably. Basically I was a mess! The on call doctor who was amazing by the way was worried that I would not be able to naturally give birth as my first child was only 6 pounds and I had a bad struggle getting her out and needed the vacuum assist after 4 hours of pushing. He made the decision to give me a c-section around 11:30/midnight as I was getting hotter and hotter and the baby's heart rate jumped up. Jackson Cartee was born at 1 am weighing in at 7lbs and 7 oz. and 19 3/4 inches long! I sure am sore today! But the nausea is gone and my fever broke around 4 am. Baby boy is in NICU as he also had a fever and has an infection. Later today I get to hold him and try to begin breastfeeding! It was such a long hard journey but it was so worth it when I see his perfect face!!

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