Trying to Get Pregnant

TWW Thursday

I'm surprised there isn't one made already, so I'll start this one. 




Testing plans:

Rant/Rave/Chart Stalk:

GTKY: What is your all-time favourite movie?
Me: 30 || DH: 32
Married: May 3, 2014 

Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


Re: TWW Thursday

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    Month/Cycle: 2nd with RE

    CD/DPO: 30/9

    Timing: Medicated IUI

    Testing plans: I have my Beta on Tuesday

    Rant/Rave/Chart Stalk: I am still testing out my trigger. I am just waiting for a stark white test.

    GTKY: What is your all-time favourite movie?
    I have a few 'favorites' that I watch when they are on. Hocus Pocus, 5th Element, LOTR, Harry Potter, and Sailor Moon (the movies or shows).
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    -5, -2, 0

    Testing plans:
    Probably tomorrow (10DPO) or Saturday (11DPO). So nervous about it!! 

    Rant/Rave/Chart Stalk:
    My temp dipped a bit yesterday, but it's higher again today. I spent way too much time on FF yesterday looking at chart galleries of confirmed pregnancy...because I'm a glutton for punishment. But if it's any consolation, I've made a solid conscious effort not to symptom spot this cycle, lol. 

    GTKY: What is your all-time favourite movie?
    The Wizard of Oz :) 

    Me: 30 || DH: 32
    Married: May 3, 2014 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    Month/Cycle: 4/4
    CD/DPO: 25/5
    Timing: -5, -2, 0
    Testing plans: waiting until it's really late seeing as my O is later than usual.
    Rant/Rave/Chart Stalk: nothing really. Keep feeling "cramps" but when I say cramps I mean extremely extremely faint ones. It's my brain playing tricks I know! But a girl can dream.

    GTKY: What is your all-time favourite movie? I like the classics like pretty woman and dirty dancing. But a movie that I could watch over and over is "It's Complicated" with Meryl Streep. It's pretty good!
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    ****Question/chart stalk please*********

    Month/Cycle: 3/2 post mc

    CD/DPO: 29/8

    Timing: -3, -2

    Testing plans: Keeping an eye on temps

    Rant/Rave/Chart Stalk: FF moved my cross hairs from CD 18 to CD 21. I'm just not sure which one it should be. Thoughts? Could I have O'd earlier than CD 21? My cycles are not very regular so I don't have a lot to go on.

    GTKY: What is your all-time favourite movie? Hmmmmm. Fifth Element. Watership Down, The Last Unicorn (don't judge me). I'm sure there are others but can't think of them right now.
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    Month/Cycle: 4/3

    CD/DPO: 18/2

    Timing: -5, -3, -2, 0

    Testing plans:  Hoping to wait for missed AF in about 12 more days, but I might cave and test early next Friday - I have a co-worker's wedding Friday afternoon and both me & DH are off work that day so we'll see.

    Rant/Rave/Chart Stalk:  Symptom spotting is the worst this cycle for some reason - maybe because I'm so optimistic this time around?  I don't know, but I keep reminding myself I'm only 2 DPO, there's no way anything I feel means anything...

    GTKY: What is your all-time favourite movie? Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory!  The original with Gene Wilder - I can't stand the johnny Depp version...

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    Month/Cycle: 22 / 5

    CD/DPO: CD: 21 / 6DPO

    Timing: -1, +1

    Testing plans: I plan on testing at DPO if AF doesn't' show up

    Rant/Rave/Chart Stalk: No symptom spotting this cycle (so I say... just wait until closer to 10 DPO, then I will be symptom spotting my life away). 

    GTKY: What is your all-time favorite movie? 
    my inner geek is coming out : All the LOTR films.... I have a LOTR marathon every year... I watch all of them streight.... only break to use the bathroom and get food.... its an obsession. 

    ME: 24 | HIM: 30
    Dr put me on BC pills at age 18 to regulate period. 
    <3 Got Married July 2013  <3
    TTC: Since Jan. 2014. 
    Diagnosed with PCOS Fall 2014. (Not IR)
    Fertility Acupuncture March 2015 - December 2015
    First BFP on 2/6/2016!

    (Typical Cycle length 35-48 days)

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    I remembered!!! Two must see movies - The Intouchables (French with subtitles) and St Vincent. Love love love those two movies.
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    Month/Cycle: 1/1

    CD/DPO: 31/6


    Testing plans: none unless AF doesn't show by the 25th

    Rant/Rave/Chart Stalk: I'm mad at myself today. I woke up to pee and assumed it was around 1:30/2 like usual but when I got back to my bed and checked the time it was 5:50! I pretty much just laid there awake until 6:15 when I usually temp. Not sure if I messed up my temp or not. Ugh.

    GTKY: What is your all-time favourite movie? Since it's almost Halloween I'll say The Shining.

    LFAF April Siggy: TV/Movie BFFs

    BFP #1 12/2012, DS born 8/2013
    BFP #2 7/2015, MMC and D&C 9/2015
    BFP #3 11/2015, CP
    BFP #4 1/2016, DD born 10/2016

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    Month/Cycle: 6/6

    CD/DPO: 23/7

    Timing: -5, -3 to 0

    Testing plans: 13 DPO if no AF

    Rant/Rave/Chart Stalk: Hanging tight, trying not to give it too much thought. The wine helps :)

    GTKY: What is your all-time favourite movie?
    As a child: Alice in Wonderland (Disney animated)
    Now: LOTR, Hocus Pocus, Singin' In The Rain
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    Month/Cycle: 5

    CD/DPO: 24/11

    Timing: -1, 0

    Testing plans: Sunday 

    Rant/Rave/Chart Stalk: I started spotting this morning, even though my temp didn't drop. The previous 3 months my temp dropped a lot the day before AF, so I don't know what to think there. Still, I'm kinda bummed. 

    GTKY: What is your all-time favourite movie? 
    Favorite movie based on real events: The Scarlet and the Black. 
    Favorite entertaining movie: BBC Pride and Prejudice. 
    Me: 36, DH: 40
    Married: July 22, 2008
    Fur babies: Yeti (cat) 

    #1 Boy E 9/30/17 
    #2 Girl A 7/27/2020
    #3 ?? ? est. 1/5/2025 
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    Month/Cycle: 4/4

    CD/DPO: 20/7

    Timing: -5,-3,-2,0,2

    Testing Plans: 16DPO which will put AF 2 days late and I have a Halloween party that night! Still 9 days away!

    Rant/Rave/Chart Stalk: highest temp (this cycle) yet this morning! :)

    GTKY: What is your all-time favorite movie? I love Back to the Future!

    Me - 33; DH - 33
    Dating 1/18/06
    Married 9/21/13
    BFP #1 12/15/15 - C Born 8/27/16
    BFP #2 1/10/20 - EDD 9/8/20

      BabyFruit Ticker

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    Month/Cycle: 3/2

    CD/DPO: 31/9

    Timing: -3, 0

    Testing plans: later? Tomorrow? Who knows

    Rant/Rave/Chart Stalk: I have fertile cm today. That's weird.

    GTKY: What is your all-time favourite movie?
    The little mermaid! Or never been kissed.
    image image
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    Month/Cycle: 4/4

    CD/DPO:  25/11

    Timing: -2, 0 IUI

    Testing plans:  14 DPO (Sunday)

    Rant/Rave/Chart Stalk:  My anxiety is going through the roof as Sunday is getting closer.  I asked my DH last night what our next step is if we're not pregnant this cycle.  He didn't want to talk about it because we could be pregnant.  So I asked if we're pregnant when will we tell our parents.  He didn't want to talk about that because what if we aren't pregnant!  Ugh!  That's the big way he and I are different - I want to process EVERYTHING out loud and he wants to avoid all conversations until there is an answer!!

    GTKY: What is your all-time favourite movie?  I have so many - Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, When Harry Met Sally, Jaws, Poltergeist (the original), Superbad (just because it makes me laugh so much!), Lost Boys, Drop Dead Gorgeous ... to many to name!  
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    Month/Cycle:  3

    CD/DPO:   38 / 2

    Timing: -4, -1, 2

    Testing plans: BFN last week at 14DPO(AF was due same day), still no AF so testing again tomorrow morning! hoping for a BFP!

    Rant/Rave/Chart Stalk: trying not to get my hopes up, and trying not to stress, but I'm too impatient and cant' wait til tomorrow morning! DH says he is sure that I'm PG. but I'm still trying not to hope too much!

    GTKY: What is your all-time favourite movie? Forrest Gump has always been my top, until I saw Jurassic World this year and fell in love with Chris Pratt. :)
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    Month/Cycle: too many

    CD/DPO: 25/7

    Timing: -2?

    Testing Plans: none

    Rant/Rave/Chart Stalk: Just staring at my chart, wondering what the eff my body is doing. Just another day in the life...

    GTKY: Shawshank Redemption
    Me: 31  DH: 32  Dx: Unexplained
    TTC #1 off and on since 2010
    11/15 - Clomid + TI = BFN
    12/15 - Clomid + TI = BFN
    1/16 - Clomid + IUI = BFN
    2/16 - Clomid + IUI = BFN
    4/16 - Follistim + IUI = BFN
    5/16 - 11/16 - Life / WTFing / Pity Party / Saving $
    1/17 - IVF #1 (Fresh Transfer / 6 frosties) = BFN
    3/17 - FET.... BFP! EDD 11/29
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    Month/Cycle:    5/5

    CD/DPO:    24/ 8 DPO

    Timing: -4, -3, -2, -1, O, O+1, O+2.  

    Testing plans:     Mostly none. I guess if I'm not spotting or cramping by Tuesday I'll test. That would be 13 DPO. I normally have a 12 day LP.  It's amazing how after only 5 months I have already lost interest in testing early. It's way easier to get my period than it is to get a negative. 

    Rant/Rave/Chart Stalk:     Not 100% confident in my O date because I have been a bad charter this month. Lots of open circles. I have no real reason to believe the date is inaccurate, I just hate being unsure. Luckily we banged enough that I'm still covered if I ovulated a little earlier or later.  Also had my highest temp today

    GTKY: What is your all-time favourite movie?    Father of the Bride! I watch it every time it's on. 
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    Month/Cycle: 2/2

    CD/DPO: 28/ 7

    Timing: -4, -2, 0, +1 (this number changed bc i switched apps to FF & it says my O was a few days off from MyDays prediction)

    Testing plans: I'm TRYING to wait until the 27th... i'm going away for work for 4 days though starting this weekend, and that's a lot of time alone in a hotel room... I may get anxious and test then & bring DH home a "souvenir" from my trip, hopefully a BFP! 

    Rant/Rave/Chart Stalk: I'm SS like crazy. I am SO TIRED, my lower back aches and I'm crampy - it is too early for AF... and my cycles usually longer than this but I had all the signs of O last week so I'm not sure what's going on. (I don't temp - yet, will start to if this isn't our month!) I'm anxious... I was/am hoping to announce to our families at Christmas ( I don't want to disclose before 12 weeks) and that would put us right at that timing (Yes I realize my cart is way ahead of my horse, that's just how I am, I plan everything!) 

    GTKY: What is your all-time favourite movie? I love cheesy girl movies... Grease, Legally Blonde, Mean Girls, or a holiday favorite - Love Actually! 
    TTM - EDD 4/23 - Team Green <3 
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    tinypikachutinypikachu member
    edited October 2015
    Month/Cycle: 2/2

    CD/DPO: 21/10

    Timing: -5, -3, -1, O, 1

    Testing plans: Yesterday, BFN (not surprising). Might just wait a few days

    Rant/Rave/Chart Stalk: UGHHH my temp dipped 0.7 this morning!!! *tears* I have no idea what that means but I'm afraid I'm getting AF early. I dreamt I was getting AF last night, feeling all wet down there because of it. When I woke up, I was all wet but it was creamy CM (lots) but that actually is not uncommon for me before AF [-( I dooon't want to be out this early... My LP is always 14 days but you never know. Whatever, maybe I shouldn't worry about each individual temp or maybe I should just not get my hopes up.

    GTKY: What is your all-time favourite movie? I looove Big Fish and Keira Knightley's Pride and Prejudice

    ETA chart. Wait that didn't work
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    Lilypie Maternity tickers
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    Here's my chart, heeelp!
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    Lilypie Maternity tickers
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    -5, -2, 0

    Testing plans:
    Probably tomorrow (10DPO) or Saturday (11DPO). So nervous about it!! 

    Rant/Rave/Chart Stalk:
    My temp dipped a bit yesterday, but it's higher again today. I spent way too much time on FF yesterday looking at chart galleries of confirmed pregnancy...because I'm a glutton for punishment. But if it's any consolation, I've made a solid conscious effort not to symptom spot this cycle, lol. 

    This is exactly me today! Except that I tried to make the effort not to symptom spot, but still find myself doing it. 

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    Month/Cycle: 2/2

    CD/DPO: 33/10

    Timing: -3, -2, 0

    Testing plans: Tomorrow is AF don't show up before then.

    Rant/Rave/Chart Stalk: I think I will be back on WTO board tomorrow. Had a slight temp dip this morning and light spotting. I just woke up with that general icky feeling I usually get before AF arrives. 

    GTKY: What is your all-time favourite movie? That is so hard, because it changes all the time. My current favourite movie is The longest ride and I have a feeling it will stay at the top of my list for some time.
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    @cdnrunning  The Last Unicorn is one of my favourite movies!! I watch it at least once every year. 

    Month/Cycle:  2/2

    CD/DPO:  17/4

    Timing:  -4 (x2), -2, -1, 0, +1

    Testing plans:  10 days!

    Rant/Rave/Chart Stalk:  None today :)

    GTKY: What is your all-time favourite movie?  I have several that I love and can't choose just one. I could watch Gladiator over and over, as well as Gattaca, Edward Scissorhands, and Melancholia. 
  • Options
    Month/Cycle: 17, but 5/5 temping

    CD/DPO: 18/4

    Timing: -3, -2, -1

    Testing plans: when AF is late

    Rant/Rave/Chart Stalk: feel free to stalk.

    GTKY: What is your all-time favourite movie? Fight Club, When Harry Met Sally, BBC Pride & Prejudice, Life as a House, many Pixar I have to pick 1??
    me 30; DH 35
    TTC since May 2014.
    Aug 2014 BFP, EDD April 22, 2015. Low progesterone, started suppositories. Loss at 5w6d.
    Nov 19, 2015 BFP at 13 dpo, EDD July 29, 2016. MMC discovered 12/29 (9+4). Natural miscarriage 1/16 (12+1).
    AMH results 0.42, 1.2; FSH 12.1, AFC 10, dx DOR. 
    RPL testing results normal. Nurse recommended progesterone suppositories in TWW.
    Clomid + trigger + TI cycle August 2016 - failed. Thin lining.
    Femara + trigger + TI cycle December 2016 - failed. Thin lining.
    Short LP (8 days).
    Acupuncture & Chinese herbs starting January 2017, lengthened LP to 10 days 

    Summer 2016 LFAF awards: 

    Winter 2016/2017 LFAF awards:

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    Month/Cycle: 2/2

    CD/DPO: 32/11

    Timing: -2

    Testing plans: Waiting for AF. If not here by Saturday, I'll test again.

    Rant/Rave/Chart Stalk: Tested with FMU this morning. BFN, as suspected. Began spotting and cramping ever so slightly yesterday. Feel a little bit crampy this morning, but it's a different kind of crampy. Spotting hasn't picked up at all, but I fully expect that witch to show up by tonight (for some reason, AF usually shows her face in the evenings).

    GTKY: What is your all-time favourite movie? The Nightmare Before Christmas. I am also a HUGE fan of The Emperor's New Groove. Super proud that my 2 year old recites lines from it lol. 

    Me: 28 DH: 33

    DD: Born 7/30/13, 2 years old

    TTC #2: August 2015

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


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    @cdnrunning I love the last unicorn too!! Cult classic!

    Month/Cycle: 2/2

    CD/DPO: 23/ ???

    Timing: ED/EOD

    Testing plans: I was SS hard yesterday so I POAS. BFN... And the depression sets in even though it was too early either way. Now with temp spike this morning I'm wondering if I didn't just test 2 days after O LOL. Probably going to test again Saturday because I'm crazy. And then again on Thursday when AF is due.

    Rant/Rave/Chart Stalk: Temp was up yesterday a hair, and today off the charts high (just started temping this month). Now I'm wondering if I O'd this week instead of when I thought (CD 15, when I had EWCM for 2 days straight). Thinking of getting some preseed if my temps are all crazy like this... My temp and CM/CP don't match up. Don't even get me started on the stupid Wondfo OPKs- almost positive lines all month, never got exactly as dark as the test line, never got any lighter. Everyone else is like "look at all my great info!" and I'm just over here like "my body is stupid and can't do anything right!!!"

    GTKY: What is your all-time favourite movie? So this is fitting, but Juno! I F-ing LOVE that movie and I own a CD of the soundtrack and the DVD. "I'm all like thanks a heap coyote ugly. This cactusgram stings almost as much as your abandonment."
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    @AlwaysAuntNeverMom  Is this your first month temping? The drop could mean nothing, especially if you aren't expecting your period for a few more days and you still aren't below the cover line. Also I noticed you have an open circle, so if you temped at a different time that could be why it is so different from the others.
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    tinypikachutinypikachu member
    edited October 2015
    @bcooke314 it is my first month temping. I always wake up at all sorts of different times at night so i just use my first temp. Some temps were taken at 8, others at 3am or 4am, I temp the first time I wake up because it's the only time each night that I sleep 3 hours straight :( I'll go back to sleep after but will only sleep an hour or so at a time. This temp was not as early as most of the other ones, at 5.30am.

    Edit: words
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    Lilypie Maternity tickers
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    ***********Lurking from WTO**************

    @Pugsandkisses you're still getting lines at 9dpiui?  My trigger has always been gone by 6-7dpo/iui and some people never get a BFN and the lines just start getting darker.  FX for you!
    Married 9/19/09
    Me (32) Dx PCOS, DH (32) SA = Normal/mild morph issues
    TTC#5 July 2017 - 3rd cycle TTC = BFP on 11/12/17 at 9dpo Beta #1 = 96 at 13dpo - Beta #2 = 207 at 15dpo
    TTC#1  starting Nov. 2009
    3 rounds of Clomid + TI and 3 rounds of 7.5 mg Femara + IUI before our BFP on 11/8/10 at 12dpiui
    TTC #2 3rd cycle of Femara 7.5mg+Ovidrel+TI = 4 follies = BFP on 10/12/12 
    TTC#3 July 2014 - Metformin +TI = BFP at 9dpo - Twins, one baby lost at 5.5 weeks 
    Macy Annabelle born at 37w4d on 4/29/15.  Diagnosed with Cri du Chat and passed away on 6/6/15.  Forever in our hearts.
    TTC#4 3rd cycle of Metformin + Femara 7.5mg+Ovidrel+TI = 3 follies = BFP on 12/24/16
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    ******lurking from WTO***********

    @cdnrunning           All of your temps the past CD 21 are higher than before CD 18, so I'd say FF is right.  You need 3 temps higher than prev 6 to confirm O and that doesn't happen until after CD 21, if you look at the overall pattern on your chart.

    @KDHB13    I think you are ok, I've done that before and my temps haven't been too far off from what they normally are or what they have been the day before.

    @jaceyannie      I feel ya!  My DH and I were talking last night about our TTC process and he was being supportive but also saying I'm stressing about it too much.  I'm not trying to stress about anything, but this is something I just want very badly. I wish men could just have the hormones for 24 hours so they'd know what its like.  FX for you guys this month!!

    @bjordan6     are you temping?  Your post is a little confusing.  You put at the top you are only 2 DPO, far too early to test, but in the rest of it that you tested @ 14 DPO last week. If you really were 14 DPO last week you could easily test today if you wanted too and get an answer.  

    @Lin&amp;Say    Not sure if you have heard any of the chatter around here about not temping post O but maybe something you want to consider?  Especially if you feel like you are constantly staring at your chart waiting for something magical to happen.  This probably works best however if you know how long your LP is and if you aren't big on testing every day or every few days.

    @rosenyc123      We are on the same page.  I don't understand how so many people can test so early and as often as they do.  I do not like BFNS

    @AlwaysAuntNeverMom    Have you thought about not temping post O??  There are a few people starting to do this or considering doing this anyways.  Basically after you get O confirmed, you stop temping.  Works best probably for those who have a good idea of how long their LP is so they can test accordingly or for those who don't test on a very regular basis or can handle a lot of BFNS

    @N021282   I hope AF doesn't show.  I can't totally relate to the icky feeling you are talking about though.

    @Al_TwinCities    has your room been cooler than usual?  I looked at your chart, that is odd that the temps are going down steadily.  Have you been temping at same time every day? our AC has been off and I know its been affecting my temps. 

    @noelietrex      Have you been sick? Drinking? has your room been warmer/cooler than normal?  Temps can vary on so many things.  I'm not a fan of Wondfos, I like the $1 store OPKS.  Some of the Wondfos are not the real ones, so I've heard you have to be careful about that.  OPKS, CM/CP don't always match up with your temps, although you will usually find a pattern the more you've been checking all these things.  Hang in there!!
  • Options
    Month/Cycle: 4/3

    CD/DPO: 21/7

    Timing: -5,-4,-3,-2,-1,O, +1

    Testing plans: The 24th at 16dpo

    Rant/Rave/Chart Stalk: my temp went through the roof today, and I have a sore throat so I think I'm sick. At least it's after I Od and it'll help keep the crazy away since my temps will be meaningless until I'm better. Just need to not SS.

    GTKY: What is your all-time favourite movie?
    Stranger Than Fiction
    Spirited Away
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    Month/Cycle: 7/6 (I just realized yesterday that even though I'm on cycle 6, it's been 7 months since we started trying)

    CD/DPO: 26/10

    Timing: -3

    Testing plans: Monday/14 DPO

    Rant/Rave/Chart Stalk: I am not hopeful this cycle because our timing sucked, and then last night I dreamed that I started spotting today. Hopefully not yet. Ugh.

    GTKY: What is your all-time favourite movie? So hard to pick one! Princess Bride, Clue, the 5th Element, Blazing Saddles, Mean Girls, and Love Actually are all ones that I have to watch every time they come on.

    Married 4.26.08
    TTC #1 April 2015
    BFP #1 11.15.15
    MMC/NMC 12.22.15
    BFP #2 6.13.16
    NMC 7.2.16

    LFAF March Siggy: Nasty Women
    Kate McKinnon
    Image result for kate mckinnon quotes gifImage result for kate mckinnon quotes gif

    Other LFAF Awards: Most likely shopping for LuLaRoe, Sweetest LFAFer, Kindest, Jokiest Jokester, Most likely to meow, Best smelling Bumpie, LFAFer I'd like to meet, Most Genuine

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    Month/cycle: 1/1

    CD/DPO: 25/9

    Testing/timing: probably test tomorrow DPO 10 although my test are the crappy easy home ones.

    Favorite movie? Really hard, maybe Gladiator?

    My chart: looks ok, no dips and symptoms are pretty good. Let me know whT you think! Haha

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    @KyCade3013 That is a pretty good-looking chart! Just keep in mind that 10 DPO can be too early to test for some people. 
    Married 4.26.08
    TTC #1 April 2015
    BFP #1 11.15.15
    MMC/NMC 12.22.15
    BFP #2 6.13.16
    NMC 7.2.16

    LFAF March Siggy: Nasty Women
    Kate McKinnon
    Image result for kate mckinnon quotes gifImage result for kate mckinnon quotes gif

    Other LFAF Awards: Most likely shopping for LuLaRoe, Sweetest LFAFer, Kindest, Jokiest Jokester, Most likely to meow, Best smelling Bumpie, LFAFer I'd like to meet, Most Genuine

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    Month/Cycle: 12/13

    CD/DPO: 31/15 (o not confirmed)

    Timing: Every other day

    Testing plans: Waited until day 30 (am normally 29 days or less) had no tests and tested today - BFN

    Rant/Rave/Chart Stalk: so annoyed with BFN - it's my own fault for symptom spotting though. There is still no sign of AF (I normally have spotting for 1 week before) I feel really nauseous today (but I have been ill for the last week with a head cold/virus). Somewhere in my brain I just thought / hoped this would be the month but to get a BFN at this stage pretty much means I'm out :( off to the docs I go to find out why my body hates me as soon as AF arrives !

    GTKY: What is your all-time favourite movie?
    nightmare before Christmas :)
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    @KyCat YES!!!! Clue and Princess Bride are both favorites. I can quote them in my sleep.

    @Funkymooncow Your O date is unsure and no AF yet so FX for you!!
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    Hi there, I'm new! I've been lurking for a few weeks now, figured it was time to say hello. I'm 26, just married last month to my 41 year old H. We've been together 7 years, just bought a house and are ready for the next adventure! 

    Month/Cycle: 1/1

    CD/DPO: 20/6

    Timing: -2, 0, +1

    Testing plans: yesterday even though I knew it would be BFN because I couldn't help myself. Planning for Saturday with a FRER because we're heading  to a wedding that evening. 

    Rant/Rave/Chart Stalk: I am SS like crazy even though it's our first cycle and I know odds aren't in our favour. I've had the fatigue, cramping, back pain and nausea. Do you think I'm pregnant?? (I kid, I promise) ...But seriously, talk me down. 

    GTKY: What is your all-time favourite movie? I love all the Marvel movies; the Avengers series, Iron Man, Captain America, etc. 

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    @ella26 congratulations on your BFP! So happy for you!!
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