June 2016 Moms

GTKY: NBR Randoms

How did you meet your SO/DH?

If you're married, tell us about your wedding. Season, colors, big/small, anything unique? Pics are awesome, too.

Favorite vacation?

Favorite TV show (s)?

Me: 33     H: 36

Married: 12/14/13   DS: 1/29/09

BFP2: 10/9/15  MMC: 11/12/15

BFP3: 4/6/16   DD: 12/12/16

Re: GTKY: NBR Randoms

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    I met DH my 2nd week of college. He went to high school with a girl on my floor and their moms worked together. She was struggling with one of her classes and his mom requested he help her out so I met him through her.

    We got married in June at a vineyard. Our colors was burgundy, decent sized but mostly family. It was forecasted to rain for the entire week leading up to the (outdoor) wedding but at 3 am the day of the wedding the forecast changed and we ended up having total sun all day which was amazing.

    Favorite vacation? - probably the epic trip I took with my parents to Europe. London, Paris, Rome, Sicily, Athens, Turkey and Crete all in one trip. My favorite night was probably the night train from Paris to Rome. 2 bottles of wine, and a few beers amongst 4 people in a small train cabin makes for some good times with family.

    Favorite TV show - used to be the big bang theory but I feel it's gone downhill since the peak. My current favorite it everybody loves Raymond, I've been marathoning it on Netflix and I love it.
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    How did you meet your SO/DH? We met on match :)

    If you're married, tell us about your wedding. Season, colors, big/small, anything unique? Pics are awesome, too. We got married in June of this year. Colors were light pink. 140 people. Nothing to unique! Had a rough day their was a major parade going on, no one could get to the church and my florist was 2 hours late!

    Favorite vacation? My honeymoon in Italy. We went for 14 days all over northern Italy.

    Favorite TV show (s)? I'm into the Chicago PD and Fire right now.
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    How did you meet your SO/DH?
    We met while I was a freshman in college and he had just moved to the area after finishing college. He's 4.5 years older than me. On our first date he said after his first gf - who was a freshman when he was a sophomore in college - he swore he would never date a freshman again. I said, "ok well I guess we're done here". Lol

    If you're married, tell us about your wedding. Season, colors, big/small, anything unique? Pics are awesome, too.
    Got married in April 2013 in the beautiful colonial town of Williamsburg, Va. At the Christopher Wren Chaoel which dates to ~1693. Then had a reception at a winery. We had a fire and drum band during cocktail hour to showcase the colonial aspect of the place. Our style was vintage elegance and colors were the dark brown of the wood paneling all over the chapel and the reception hall as the background, then like a cranberry color for bridesmaids and main color, with champagne as the second color and dusty rose as an accent. A detail I liked was that I gave every bridesmaid one type of flower each for their bouquet. So their whole bouquet was all the same flower but each one was different. All white flowers, their dresses where the same color lengthy and fabric but each chose their style. So then the boutonnière for the groomsmen that was paired with each bridesmaid matched her bouquet. I know it's a small detail but I loved it haha.
    Also I'm in love with my veil. It's extra long cathedral length, all Spanish lace border (see picture below). I worked at a bridal shop so I was seeing veils and dresses every day and sometimes I would come home and go admire my veil and dress being all like "yeah these are way better" hahaha.

    Favorite vacation?
    Our honey moon to Bora Bora tops them all. We've traveled a lot around Europe together and before we met, we have each separately been to China also. But the Bora Bora trip tops them all. We stayed in one of those over water huts. I wish I could go back every year.

    Favorite TV show (s)?
    Oh too many! I'm with @Sgoldberg247 in Everyone Loves Raymond. Also love Grey's Anatomy. And I loved Parenthood. And I love all the CSIs. And the Good Wife. And when I was a kid I loved Scooby Doo haha.

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    NicknShan said:

    Oh my goodness this is way too long of a GTKY for one post :-)

    Oh look! A butterfly...

    ^^ yes. And clearly I have no qwelms going on and on and on about mine haha. I LOVE talking about my wedding, but then again who doesn't right?

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    How did you meet your SO/DH?
    He was bartending at a restaurant and I was serving :)

    If you're married, tell us about your wedding. Season, colors, big/small, anything unique? Pics are awesome, too.
    Our wedding was 4 years after we met. We married in Las Vegas. It was planned and about 20 family members came. Our color was baby blue. It was a verrryy humid LV day!! The photographer was great though!!

    Favorite vacation?
    Aruba!!!! I love the beach. We went for our honeymoon as well as the summer after. Would love to go to Europe though.

    Favorite TV show (s)?
    King of Queens!! I also love How I Met Your Mother.
    Married July 2014
    DD born June 2016
    Second due August 2020 (team green!)
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    Yeah it is long. Now I'm like. ..I'm too tired to do this. :)

    How did you meet your DH/SO? We met on match and then at Starbucks.

    Wedding: We got married in December and our colors were ivory, gold and gray. We were engaged for almost 2 years so, while planning was super fun, by the time we got to the wedding, we were so ready. I LOVED our flowers and food. We did a brunch wedding so we had yummy stuff like pancakes on a stick and donut holes with milk shots.

    Favorite vacation: we went to Isla Mujeres, Mexico this summer with a group of friends and it was awesome. Wish I was there right now!

    TV: love Blacklist and Scandal.

    Me: 33     H: 36

    Married: 12/14/13   DS: 1/29/09

    BFP2: 10/9/15  MMC: 11/12/15

    BFP3: 4/6/16   DD: 12/12/16

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    How did you meet your SO/DH?
    We met while I was a freshman in college and he had just moved to the area after finishing college. He's 4.5 years older than me. On our first date he said after his first gf - who was a freshman when he was a sophomore in college - he swore he would never date a freshman again. I said, "ok well I guess we're done here". Lol

    If you're married, tell us about your wedding. Season, colors, big/small, anything unique? Pics are awesome, too.
    Got married in April 2013 in the beautiful colonial town of Williamsburg, Va. At the Christopher Wren Chaoel which dates to ~1693. Then had a reception at a winery. We had a fire and drum band during cocktail hour to showcase the colonial aspect of the place. Our style was vintage elegance and colors were the dark brown of the wood paneling all over the chapel and the reception hall as the background, then like a cranberry color for bridesmaids and main color, with champagne as the second color and dusty rose as an accent. A detail I liked was that I gave every bridesmaid one type of flower each for their bouquet. So their whole bouquet was all the same flower but each one was different. All white flowers, their dresses where the same color lengthy and fabric but each chose their style. So then the boutonnière for the groomsmen that was paired with each bridesmaid matched her bouquet. I know it's a small detail but I loved it haha.
    Also I'm in love with my veil. It's extra long cathedral length, all Spanish lace border (see picture below). I worked at a bridal shop so I was seeing veils and dresses every day and sometimes I would come home and go admire my veil and dress being all like "yeah these are way better" hahaha.

    Favorite vacation?
    Our honey moon to Bora Bora tops them all. We've traveled a lot around Europe together and before we met, we have each separately been to China also. But the Bora Bora trip tops them all. We stayed in one of those over water huts. I wish I could go back every year.

    Favorite TV show (s)?
    Oh too many! I'm with @Sgoldberg247 in Everyone Loves Raymond. Also love Grey's Anatomy. And I loved Parenthood. And I love all the CSIs. And the Good Wife. And when I was a kid I loved Scooby Doo haha.

    So jealous of Bora Bora! That must have been amazing.

    Me: 33     H: 36

    Married: 12/14/13   DS: 1/29/09

    BFP2: 10/9/15  MMC: 11/12/15

    BFP3: 4/6/16   DD: 12/12/16

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    How did you meet your SO/DH? We met at a party thrown by a mutual friend.  I thought he was lame.  But the more I got to know him, it did not take me long to fall head over heels.

    If you're married, tell us about your wedding. Season, colors, big/small, anything unique? Pics are awesome, too.  Our wedding was super simple.  We met and got married in a period of 6 months--2 months from engaged to wedding.  We both don't wait well and didn't care about a big fancy whatever, we just wanted to be married and start our life together.  It was Memorial Day weekend.  The color was red.  We had an open invite to everyone we knew and ended up celebrating with over 200 people in the church auditorium!  I wouldn't change a thing if I could go back.  <3  For something unique, when we kissed my friend played the Mario music (when he jumps on the flagpole trumpet part) on the piano.  That was a crowd pleaser.  :D

    Favorite vacation?  I went to Italy for 10 days when I was 28.  So much culture jam packed in.  Loved it.

    Favorite TV show (s)? I am bad with favorites.  I'll always watch a Friends rerun if given the choice.

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    How did you meet your SO/DH? We met in college through mutual friends.

    If you're married, tell us about your wedding. Season, colors, big/small, anything unique? Pics are awesome, too. We married in Fall 2010, colors were black & white with pops of green, around 200 people. Half the guest list was DH's enormous family! 

    Favorite vacation? We spent a week at an all-inclusive resort in Jamaica. It rained a lot, but we still had a blast!

    Favorite TV show (s)? Toooooo many. Among those we watch regularly: Teen Mom, Scream Queens, ANTM, The Soup, Always Sunny in Philadelphia... I could go on. I swear we don't spend that much time in front of the tv...hah.
    June 2016 April Siggy Challenge: Reasons my kid is crying

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    How did you meet your SO/DH?- We met at college. I ignored him a few times and finally one day he say me in a cafe and came in and we talked for four hours. If you're married, tell us about your wedding. Season, colors, big/small, anything unique? Pics are awesome, too. We got married in January 2008. We had a snow/ice thing going on. The bridesmaids wore navy and carried lanterns. Favorite vacation? We love camp with the kids at the beach in Maine every year. Favorite TV show (s)?Too many to list! Greys, walking dead, Downton Abbey

    DD1 | Jan 2009
    DD2 | June 2011
    DS1 | Oct 2013
       ADD3 | Oct 2014 (April 2001)
    DS2 | June 2016
    DS3 | Dec 2018

    Due with baby blob August 2021

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    I do not have a DH or SO, so I have no story as to how we met lol.

    Favorite Vacation: In 1997, my brother's baseball team won the PONY World Series.  That was the best summer ever and the best vacation ever. It was so exciting and the team and parents became such a family.  It was awesome to be a part of that.

    Favorite TV Show:  Supernatural.  In fact, I have decided that for my "baby moon" I am going to go to the Supernatural Convention in Seattle.  It's something I've never done before and it's something I won't be able to do once Baby is born.
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    How did you meet your SO/DH?
    We first met in college, just had mutual friends, but then connected again years later while out at a bar!

    If you're married, tell us about your wedding. Season, colors, big/small, anything unique?
    We got married in 2012, wedding was at a hotel banquet center. Small bridal party and about 200 people at the wedding. Our colors were lime and navy blue and I did literally everything myself, invitations, centerpieces, bouquets, etc. 

    Favorite vacation? 
    We go on a yearly vacation with friends to Vegas and that is always the best!

    Favorite TV show (s)?
    Oh geeze, I'm a total tv addict. But, all time favorite is definitely Gilmore Girls. I've seen every episode multiple times and it's my go to on Netflix! 
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    How did you meet your SO/DH? 
    We've known each other since about 8th or 9th grade. We started dating our senior year of high school.

    If you're married, tell us about your wedding. Season, colors, big/small, anything unique? Pics are awesome, too. 
    We got married in June of 2011 after being engaged for a year. Had about 200 people there and had a blast at our reception.

    Favorite vacation? 
    Going up to DH's family's cabin in the middle of the woods.

    Favorite TV show (s)?
    Pretty Little Liars, Vampire Diaries and Walking Dead.... for the most part, I have the viewing preferences of a teenager. 
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    BFP #1: 10/25/13. EDD: 06/18/14. Confirmed MC: 11/06/13.

    BFP #2: 3/31/14. EDD: 12/2/14 Born: 12/9/14

    BFP #3: 10/5/15 EDD: 6/10/16 Born: 6/13/16

    BFP #4: 8/20/15 EDD: 4/26/18
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    It was amazing! Like no other beach-destination I've ever been to. If you ever get a chance to go, do it! We're both scuba divers too so that was super awesome. But honestly the best sea life was right by the reefs all over where the over water huts are. You just go to the back deck, down to the platform and jump into the water. Oh I wish I could go every year!

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    Omg that supernatural convention sounds AWESOME!! I love that show. When is it? You're gonna have to tell us how it goes!

    @matthewsdm wow! How did you do everything yourself? It's a lot to do! I admire you! I was way too lazy to do anything myself haha.

    @Lilwatz that's so funny you thought he was lame! Does he know that now? I bet he gets a kick out of it, like an ongoing inside joke haha. DH and I were each other's rebound after long relationships, we were basically a one night stand. And now we always joke that we're the one night stand that lasted almost 12 years so far haha.

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    @BVBabyHopeful it was a lot of work! But, we got engaged in June and our wedding was in October, so it was easier than trying to wrangle all those vendors and such, and cheaper too! I didn't use any flowers in my centerpieces, I did green apples! Bouquets were super simple with spider mums. I was also a hospitality major and worked in the industry for a while, so it's fun for me! I just helped my sister with her's too, made her invites and a bunch of decor.
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    @BVBabyHopeful it was a lot of work! But, we got engaged in June and our wedding was in October, so it was easier than trying to wrangle all those vendors and such, and cheaper too! I didn't use any flowers in my centerpieces, I did green apples! Bouquets were super simple with spider mums. I was also a hospitality major and worked in the industry for a while, so it's fun for me! I just helped my sister with her's too, made her invites and a bunch of decor.

    Wow! That's awesome. And the green apples center pieces sound really pretty. I love the idea of fruit in the center pieces. It didn't fit into the over style of our wedding but still love it. I bet your sister is very thankful for all your work!

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    @amangels2 Omg that supernatural convention sounds AWESOME!! I love that show. When is it? You're gonna have to tell us how it goes! @matthewsdm wow! How did you do everything yourself? It's a lot to do! I admire you! I was way too lazy to do anything myself haha. @Lilwatz that's so funny you thought he was lame! Does he know that now? I bet he gets a kick out of it, like an ongoing inside joke haha. DH and I were each other's rebound after long relationships, we were basically a one night stand. And now we always joke that we're the one night stand that lasted almost 12 years so far haha.
    He does!  He had a mohawk as a dare and for Mohawktober.  Also, he was wearing no shirt (as part of a halloween costume).  He looked so lame.  But he's not.  He's the leastest lame person I know!

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    It was amazing! Like no other beach-destination I've ever been to. If you ever get a chance to go, do it! We're both scuba divers too so that was super awesome. But honestly the best sea life was right by the reefs all over where the over water huts are. You just go to the back deck, down to the platform and jump into the water. Oh I wish I could go every year!

    Beautiful! !!!!

    Me: 33     H: 36

    Married: 12/14/13   DS: 1/29/09

    BFP2: 10/9/15  MMC: 11/12/15

    BFP3: 4/6/16   DD: 12/12/16

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    Lilwatz said:


    @Lilwatz that's so funny you thought he was lame! Does he know that now? I bet he gets a kick out of it, like an ongoing inside joke haha. DH and I were each other's rebound after long relationships, we were basically a one night stand. And now we always joke that we're the one night stand that lasted almost 12 years so far haha.

    He does!  He had a mohawk as a dare and for Mohawktober.  Also, he was wearing no shirt (as part of a halloween costume).  He looked so lame.  But he's not.  He's the leastest lame person I know!

    That is so funny! The Mohawk plus and no shirt sounds line an interesting combination. good thing he was persistent and convinced you he's not lame at all, right? It's a sweet story!

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    edited October 2015
    DH and I met about 4.5 years ago. He was just a young sapling in the fire academy. His best friend in the academy happened to be one of my very good friends from high school. We met through him at a party. At first I thought DH was weird and wanted nothing to do with him. Then the butterflies! Since then I've been by his side through the academy, EMT school and paramedic as well as getting hired on. We got married in June 2015 at a mansion in the Northern CA area. I got KTFU in September, earlier than planned but man are we excited!
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    @BVBabyHopeful I'm super excited. It's not til March, it's actually the first half of my spring break so the timing is perfect :)
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    DH and I met about 4.5 years ago. He was just a young sapling in the fire academy. His best friend in the academy happened to be one of my very good friends from high school. We met through him at a party. At first I thought DH was weird and wanted nothing to do with him. Then the butterflies! Since then I've been by his side through the academy, EMT school and paramedic as well as getting hired on. We got married in June 2015 at a mansion in the Northern CA area. I got KTFU in September, earlier than planned but man are we excited!


    Me: 33     H: 36

    Married: 12/14/13   DS: 1/29/09

    BFP2: 10/9/15  MMC: 11/12/15

    BFP3: 4/6/16   DD: 12/12/16

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    My hubby and I met on St. Patrick's Day. I had just broke up from a serious relationship and invited my gal friends out for a fun night. One had just started dating her boyfriend and couldn't be without him, so she brought him. Her boyfriend didn't want to be the only guy so drug my hubby along with him. My.hubby didn't want to come originally. We got married on St. Patrick's Day weekend two years later. Our theme was green shamrocks. Spent more than we should of but had a lot of fun.

    We went to Mexico in June with two other couples and it was a blast! I am also a Disney nut, as is my best friend so we love going there (DH does not).

    I love scandal, Grey's anatomy and modern family.
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    @BVBabyHopeful- We went to Bora Bora on our honeymoon, too!!!  It was the vacation of a lifetime.  Ever since then, other vacations can't live up to the beauty.  All of our pictures look like post cards.

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    Special prayers for angels that we never met!
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    hgsurvivorhgsurvivor member
    edited October 2015
    PressLove said:

    @BVBabyHopeful- We went to Bora Bora on our honeymoon, too!!!  It was the vacation of a lifetime.  Ever since then, other vacations can't live up to the beauty.  All of our pictures look like post cards.

    Oh you did?! That's awesome!! Isn't it beautiful? absolute paradise!!! I remember telling DH, "if there is a heaven, surely it looks like this". It's my happy place haha.


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    How did you meet your SO/DH?
    at Relay for Life, his mom was my boss and I joined her team with a friend.  Him a mutual friend and I were up all night talking and freezing. He messaged me on Facebook a week later and asked me out! 2 years later he proposed at relay, it really was perfect!

    If you're married, tell us about your wedding. Season, colors, big/small, anything unique? Pics are awesome, too. 
    We got married 8/1/15 in a vineyard under a big oak tree. We did a rustic theme, with purple and gray.  We live in the mountains, so the weather was perfect, warm but not baking hot!

    Favorite vacation? 
    Probably Hawaii. Ive only been once with some girlfriends a few years ago. Really want to go to Cancun.

    Favorite TV show (s)?
    SVU, Greys Anatomy, Chicago fire/PD, Blacklist are a few.
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    We met at a bar. I couldn't stand him. To get him to leave me alone I went on a date with him if he would promise to stop texting so much. 7 years later we are married and waiting on our second child... And I couldn't be happier!

    Our wedding was in a tiny white chapel at night in the winter. Small, personal, dark but completely candlelit, and it was storming horribly outside which just made it all the more romantic. Best night of my life. (The picture does it no justice)
    April Sig Challenge: Why my kid is crying

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    How did you meet your SO/DH?  We met via Match.Com, actually!  I "winked" at him because he had this cute profile picture with his Jack Russell-Chihuahua, Jimmy.  

    If you're married, tell us about your wedding. Season, colors, big/small, anything unique? Pics are awesome, too. 
    We got married on July 4, 2010 at an old Victorian estate in a neighboring town.  It was hot as hell but a gorgeous, gorgeous day.  We married under a white wrought iron arbor and had our reception under a grand canopy with a chandelier.  Purple is my signature color, so our colors were purple and yellow.  My matrons   of honor carried hand-painted fans instead of flowers and they were grateful for the fans in the middle of July heat, ha ha!


    Favorite vacation? In 2009, I took a group of HS students to London for a history and theatre tour.  It was awesome.  

    Favorite TV show (s)?  The Walking Dead, Supernatural, Scandal, Criminal Minds
    Married: 7/4/2010  Me: 39 DH: 45
    MC: November 2011
    Failed IVF: November 2014
    FET:  9/23/2015 and now pregnant!

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