Single Parents

Leaving Me @ 5 Months

My boyfriend just told me today he's moving out because he is upsets/ resents that I'm pregnant. He feels that our relationship can't progress given that resentment. I'm devastated. It's not a financial issue - I can support myself. It's just that I don't have family (adopted). I don't have friends because I've spent my career travelling. I am completely alone. I have no idea what to do.

Re: Leaving Me @ 5 Months

  • Hi! I just responded to your Feb Babies thread. My DS is due Feb 5 and I've been dealing with dad leaving me when I was 3 months pregnant. It really helps to talk it out, and sometimes even friends and family don't understand, so feel free to tell us here or PM me :)

  • Hi OP-

    I know how much it sucks, but I can tell you that it does get better.  My ex left me when I was 2.5 mo pregnant.  DD is almost 2.5 years now and things have really changed for the better for us.  Stay positive, mama.  

    Do you still travel in this career or are you planning to continue travelling?
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
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