So I'm pretty much a wreck right now. Just finished clomid for my 2nd round of IUI and had my HSG today. My left side is great.. everything is working. My right side had what my RE called a polyp blocking where the uterus joins the fallopian tubes. On the xray screen, I could actually see like a tiny ball in the upper right part of my uterus where the fallopian tubes join.
My RE said that on Wednesday when I go back in for my appt, he will see how my ovaries are doing. We saw both sides had follicles growing last week but we need the left side to be working. If the left side is doing okay, we may still go ahead with the IUI. Last month my left ovary kept hiding from the ultrasound so we only saw I had a decent follicle on the right ovary (oh the irony... probably was a wasted IUI).
He hinted at possibly surgery and that IVF may be our only future option after this month. I'm PCOS, DH has more of an EDD issue so that's whywe have been seeing an RE.
Anyone else recently had to go through a surgery or procedure to remove a polyp? I'm so mad and angry at my body. This is just one more thing to add to that list of reasons why I haven't been able to get pregnant yet. :-(
Re: HSG revealed polyp blocking fallopian tube...
I don't have any experience with this, but I wanted to offer my support. You must be feeling so disappointed right now. I hope someone has more to say about your situation. Hang in there xoxo
Will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers and will pray for wisdom for your docs. Take care.
NTNP since 11/12, actively trying since 8/14
11/15: Letrozole, Ovidrel, TI = BFP!!!
Beta #1(14dpo)=349, Beta #2(18dpo)=2,805
12/17/15: Got to see the heartbeat (105bpm)!
1/25/16: NT scan = normal (HB=163bpm)
EDD: 8/10/16
8/8/16: Baby boy born @ 12:25am, 8lbs, 20.5 inches
5/18/17: BFP!!! (11dpo)
Beta #1(12dpo)=176.4, Beta #2(15dpo)=607.1
Me: 37, DH: 36
Started TTC #1: 9/2015
Preliminary labs/testing @ 6 months: TSH, A1c, progesterone, prolactin, SA, HSG all normal
BFP: 5/19/2016, M/C: 5/29/2016
BFP: 6/22/2016 EDD 3//6/2017
ME:37 DH:30
MARRIED: 07/19/2010, TTC #1: 07/19/2010
DX: PCOS, First IUI: 10/01/2015, BFN
Me: 37, DH: 36
Started TTC #1: 9/2015
Preliminary labs/testing @ 6 months: TSH, A1c, progesterone, prolactin, SA, HSG all normal
BFP: 5/19/2016, M/C: 5/29/2016
BFP: 6/22/2016 EDD 3//6/2017