
First IUI cycle almost cancelled, but wasn't !

I had my first IUI this morning at CD19. 2 days ago I had estradiol of 2800 and 8 mature follicles. I was informed to that there is a chance we wouldn't be able to proceed due to risk of multiples, we were asked if we would be willing to convert the cycle to IVF. Yesterday my estradiol went down to 2200, our specialist said that due to our male factor issues the chance of success is low so let's proceed (he wanted us to go straight to ivf but we insisted on trying IUI first).

We went in this morning for our first IUI, we didn't see our fertility specialist but rather his on call colleagues. DH sperm analysis this morning was the best it ever was, 23 million over half moving! Just 2 months ago he was at under 1 million. I guess that Royal jelly really does work like magic.

Before we proceeded the RE specialist asked if our doctor spoke to us yesterday about the risk of multiples. He wa Ted to make sure we understood the risk, and if that were to happen termination is something we would do if the situation became a risk to myself.

We did our first IUI and we go back tomorrow morning for another IUI. I understand the chance of success is low but I've done pretty much everything on my end, other than losing all the extra weight (I lost 10 lbs my goal was to lose 30). I did acupuncture Friday, will do another one tomorrow. I took bromelain supplements, been taking my prenatals and DHA. I drank my sugary pomegranate juice (Ive been following a low carb diet and haven't had juice In a while).

I will be on a cruise in 2 weeks, so I will get the blood test in 12 days. Now the waiting game, I'll be be keeping myself busy with cruise trip preparations to keep my mind off of this !
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