Does anyone's baby have an interest in toys yet? My DD will smile at them, but isn't trying to reach or anything. I really want her to play with toys already...
Dd is 12 weeks old and has just started to gain a little more interest in her toys i.e. reaching for them or holding them and waving her hand around. I can't wait to see her grow a greater interest. I'm also on the edge of my seat waiting for the first laugh.
We put a light up musical car toy on the floor in front of him during tummy time. If he slaps the keys dangling off the car, it makes noises. So every once in awhile he will slap at it or push it around, but no full on playing yet!
My LO looks at, swats at & is starting to attempt grasping the toys on his play mat. His play mat is the kick n' play piano one so he loves to kick & make music! He is almost 11weeks old
We also have the kick and play. I got it to try to keep him occupied while I'm pumping. He loves it! Kicks the piano to make music and loves looking at the dangling toys. Just started grabbing for them.
Re: Toys