January 2016 Moms

Could baby be the cause of this constant pain?

Today makes a week of constant back pain that is located about 4 inches below my shoulder blade. It feels like pressure against the inside of the ribs. The pain is constant, but does vary from intense to dull. I had to change my chair at work because of my posture, and when I'm home the only position I can get complete relief is lying on my back, surprisingly. While I fall asleep either on my right or left side, I almost always wake up flat on my back. Anyone else experience this? I'm guessing this is directly caused by baby. Either baby is directly pushing up against those ribs, or baby has caused an organ to press right there. 
I have my next ob appointment on the 19th and am going to try and stick it out until then. Any ideas on how to encourage baby to change positions?? lol Maybe that will help!
Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie - FiGB
Married DH 11/15/08
Formerly MissMheMhe

Re: Could baby be the cause of this constant pain?

  • Someone else was having similar back pain issues. I was having this exact same thing. I went and bought a groupon for a therapeutic massage and it has been gone for about a week now. It only cost $30 and now EVERYTHING feels better. Just something to look into. I guess it turned out that it was tension in my muscles from being so front-heavy all of a sudden
  • Have your boobs gotten bigger? That has cause me a lot of back pain, so make sure your bra fits well. Laying on my back helps me too, or yoga, massage, or the exercise ball. Good luck and feel better!
    Baby Birthday Ticker TickerMarried DW <3 08.2013; AI 2x; IUI 6x; IUI #7 05.2015; DD born 2.2016 o:); Reciprocal IVF FET #1 on 11.18.2020 
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  • MMLmeow said:
    Today makes a week of constant back pain that is located about 4 inches below my shoulder blade. It feels like pressure against the inside of the ribs. The pain is constant, but does vary from intense to dull. I had to change my chair at work because of my posture, and when I'm home the only position I can get complete relief is lying on my back, surprisingly. While I fall asleep either on my right or left side, I almost always wake up flat on my back. Anyone else experience this? I'm guessing this is directly caused by baby. Either baby is directly pushing up against those ribs, or baby has caused an organ to press right there. 
    I have my next ob appointment on the 19th and am going to try and stick it out until then. Any ideas on how to encourage baby to change positions?? lol Maybe that will help!
    Yep! This exactly for me too! It's been pretty constant for the past several weeks. It's usually worse if I've been on my feet all day or I'm extra worn out. I'm 28 weeks, and my uterus is exactly between my belly button and breasts right now. At this point, it's very unlikely that it is baby directly pressing under the ribs, and more likely to be baby taking up general space and pushing organs and everything up. I'm not sure if baby changing positions would be helpful or even how to do it, if that's a thing that you can actually do at this point. Still definitely worth mentioning at your appt.
    I definitely feel your pain though. I use a heating pad on low and pillows to prop myself in a comfortable position when it's super bothersome. Sorry that you are in pain!

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I'm sorry that you're in pain! Laying on my left side while in the bathtub helped me with this! I'm having twins and my little boy is actually already up inside my rib cage (docs couldn't find heartbeat at last appointment until they hit my about an inch under my bra band!). He's wedged up in there, and my ribs actually feel different! Good luck!
  • Thanks, ladies. I woke up this morning feeling great! Went to pick up some veggies at a co-op and after standing in line for about 20 minutes and carrying my produce to the car/into the house, I felt the pain creeping back. This has me leaning toward a muscle strain either from my belly or my boobs. I am thinking about calling for a prenatal massage, but have heard places won't do them in the 3rd trimester...which is a week from tomorrow. I am going to call my dr's office and ask them as well. We'll see!
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
    Lilypie - FiGB
    Married DH 11/15/08
    Formerly MissMheMhe
  • They should do massage right up till you pop!! Call a few places, massage genuinely helps!
  • Yeah a place that knows what they are doing will massage you at any point in your pregnancy. The precautions just change at different points. I had one at 20 weeks when my hips started stretching and it made a huge difference! She said to come back after 37 weeks and they could try to do labor pressure points for me.
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