Hello J15 Mommas...
I was reminded tonight of the particular fragility of life as a lady I know and her family deal with the loss of a baby prior to his delivery.
As you may know October is designated as Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness month... and October 15th is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day.
I was hoping that we could do a little remembering and supporting of
all of our Mommas who have experienced a loss historically or during our recent journey.
Perhaps a period of silence on the 15th? And whatever we feel appropriate prior to then and following the 15th?
I just want to say that I'm thinking of you, and sending all my love and strength and support to you Mommas and your families!
Re: Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month
Mommas we are thinking of you and your sweet angels and sending you much love.
Edited a million times because the BUMP is not letting my posts go through!
@christinabrtn this is a great idea....Prayers for all those who have lost their babies.
@MamaBish I also think of you often as well as all other mamas that have gone through a loss.
A very great idea, @christinabrtn
Eta: spelling