
Should I be worried?

My 2 1/2 month old started only eating 4-5 minutes per side, every 2-3 hours (daytime) or 4 hours at night. The past few weeks he would typically nurse 7-8 minutes per side, every 2 hours like clockwork. He is gaining weight but the doctor doesn't want him going longer than 3 hours during the day and 4 at night because he's in the 4% for weight and 96% for height, and I've been having to offer it to him without seeing any hunger cues, which has never really happened before.

So basically, he's going longer between feedings and is nursing for less time. Should I be worried about this change in feeding habits or is he just becoming more efficient? Has anyone else had this happen around this age?

Re: Should I be worried?

  • My guess would be that he is just more efficient now. It does tend to happen right around then.
  • Probably just becoming more efficient. I would say if you are really concerned, maybe try to see a lactation consultant who can weigh LO before and after a feeding to see how much he is taking in. I actually go to a free breastfeeding support group every week that let's me do that if I want to. Otherwise, just watch those diapers to make sure he is still having enough wet ones.
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