I know there have been posts about the rock n play but it seemed like a long time ago so I figured I'd start another thread.
After getting home from the hospital my son refused to seep laying flat. I think this was because he startled himself awake but really seemed to hate swaddling. So, the rock n play saved our lives. He went from sleeping 1 maybe 2 hour stretches in his crib to 4 hour stretches at about 2 months old. By 3 months he had maybe 3 8 hour atretches per week. It's been great!
I know I need to transition him into a crib and have him sleeping in his own bed but it's the same old story. He startles himself awake and still doesn't like swaddling.
I guess I have a few questions:
Do you use the rock n play? And if so how long until you transitioned your baby to a crib?
Did the Merlin magic sleep suit help anyone with crib sleeping?
Has anyone tried the zippidee zip (I think that's what it's called) sack that was seen on shark tank?
Any advice on helping baby not startle themselves awake?
Any reassurance?
Thanks in advance!!!
Re: Transitioning to the crib