May 2015 Moms

Transitioning to the crib

I know there have been posts about the rock n play but it seemed like a long time ago so I figured I'd start another thread.
After getting home from the hospital my son refused to seep laying flat. I think this was because he startled himself awake but really seemed to hate swaddling. So, the rock n play saved our lives. He went from sleeping 1 maybe 2 hour stretches in his crib to 4 hour stretches at about 2 months old. By 3 months he had maybe 3 8 hour atretches per week. It's been great!
I know I need to transition him into a crib and have him sleeping in his own bed but it's the same old story. He startles himself awake and still doesn't like swaddling.
I guess I have a few questions:
Do you use the rock n play? And if so how long until you transitioned your baby to a crib?
Did the Merlin magic sleep suit help anyone with crib sleeping?
Has anyone tried the zippidee zip (I think that's what it's called) sack that was seen on shark tank?
Any advice on helping baby not startle themselves awake?
Any reassurance?
Thanks in advance!!!

Re: Transitioning to the crib

  • She is still sleeping swaddled in the rock n play. I know we need to move her to the crib soon...but I'm s
    S- March 09 E- Feb 12 L- May 15

  • She is still sleeping swaddled in the rock n play. I know we need to move her to the crib soon...
    S- March 09 E- Feb 12 L- May 15

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  • @sunnyday016 it's so hard cause I know how important sleep is for him... But I know he can't sleep in the rock n play forever.
  • We transitioned to the crib two months ago from the bassinet. Started with one nap a day for a few days, then two naps, then at night. Honestly she did great her first night in there only waking once to eat. She never liked swaddling & startle reflex had me concerned at first but she figured it out quickly. At this age they should know, or at least be learning, how to self soothe. Just bite the bullet & do it now.
  • He's fine at self soothing in the rock n play but not in a bassinet or crib. His startle reflex is insane. His legs especially. He practically lifts them over his head then slams them down hard and wakes himself and is not happy about it! I'll try letting him cry a little longer before I intervene I guess.
  • At 2 months we transitioned from the RnP to the crib using the Miracle Blanket swaddle, it worked great. When she grew out of that at 3 months we used the Merlin Magic Sleep Suit, it worked well, about a 5 hour stretch then 3 hours stretches. In the swaddle I was getting 8-9 hour stretch but at 3 months I think she also went through a sleep regression so that likely contributed to the 5 hour stretch instead. I also tried the Zipadeezip but it didn't come close to helping with the startle reflex but I do put her in that for naps sometimes. Try the sleep suit!
  • A local place rents the suit so I'm gonna try before I buy!
  • Our crib transition was less than ideal. We "sleep trained" him at the same time we transitioned him (from Rock and Play). But, no sleep sack, just PJs. We used woombie to transition from swaddle to PJs. The crib transition took about 5 days, but now he will go down without crying in the crib at bedtime. Napping he still needs to be nursed to sleep or rocked. He sleeps from 6/630 - 6/630 am, but with 3, sometimes 4 or even 5 wake ups. We tried to sleep train those, but its just not working. I would love a solution and have considered trying zipadeezip, but its so expensive!

  • Found a local company that rents the Merlin sleep suit. Tonight's the first night! Wish us luck!
  • Ok so the Merlins Magic sleep suit was amazing! My son slept for 8 hours straight in his crib then another 3. This is the longest stretch of sleep he's has laying flat on his back! If you're having sleep issues I definitely recommend trying it!
  • Hooray!!
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