July 2015 Moms

Is someone always with LO during naps?

DH or I or both of us always have the LO with us during naps. Since we're usually trying to get chores done or watch a movie/TV, I feel like the noise is causing shorter naps (since LO is way more aware of his surroundings following this second leap).

Do any of you put LO down in another room away from you for a nap? I was thinking if I try this, we could finally bust out our video monitor???

DS1 7/24/15

DS2 5/7/17

Re: Is someone always with LO during naps?

  • We don't. Mostly because she has to be held to fall asleep and fights it so long that she only does a 30 min nap most times. When she gets better at sleeping on her own, I definitely plan on having her sleep in her crib instead of in the living room with us.
  • I just started having her nap in her crib this week and I busted out our video monitor. It's going well so far. I think she likes the quiet.
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  • DS naps in the crib when he's at home, but at daycare there is always someone with him and there's a lot of noise. Honestly, based on the reports we're getting, he naps better at daycare than he does at home! But, they let him sleep on his tummy there since there's always someone right with him, and we don't do that at home yet (he can roll from belly to back consistently, so I'm not worried about it since he could flip if he wanted to).
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • DD only naps when being held. The noise doesn't bug her, I think because we started using a white noise machine as soon as we brought her home. She can't sleep if its quiet. If I could put her in her room for naps I would. I keep trying, we will get there eventually... right? :)
  • When I'm home alone, my son will nap where I usually am, so I can do chores and see him and the same time. But I have noticed when he naps in his room, he sleeps longer. Noise doesn't really bother him but you can try it and see if he naps differently.
  • I wish our lo would nap in her crib! She just went through her second leap, so when she stirs after a half hour, she is so distracted by all the neat stuff to look at she doesn't fall back asleep! Because of this lately I will pick her up out of her crib and hold her for another hour so she gets a good nap. Otherwise she's a cranky baby!

    I'm nervous about forming sleep associations doing this, but at 9 weeks, I think she's too little to use cio. So I guess it's just something we are going to need to work on.
  • Often my little one falls asleep in the bouncer chair in the bathroom after I take a shower. So I'll just leave him in there sleeping and continue to check on him. The sound of the shower puts him to sleep and then I just leave the fan on. It's weird he actually sleeps really well in the bathroom! We are also working on naps in the nursery in the crib during the day… At least one a day
  • My LO pretty much only naps in her car seat after a car ride. She might sleep 15 minutes in her pack and play either down in the living room or up in our room - I've tried both! She sleeps great at night so not sure why she doesn't want to nap. 
  • Hazel naps in her crib in the nursery.  We don't have a baby monitor.  I put on white noise and close the door.  …We also have a small, 2-bedrrom apartment, and when she sleeps I am in the living room adjacent to the nursery.  I can hear her when she fusses in her room.
  • If DD would nap in her crib, that's where she would be. But since she won't, she is usually in her swing or rock n play on the first floor when I am.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Our LO naps in his crib, on our bed, in his swing, in my arms, in the pack and play, etc etc. He can sleep anywhere, it's pretty great. We don't always stay with him where he naps but we never go far either. Baby monitors and checking up to make sure he is okay.
  • DD sleeps like a champ at night but I guess she is so used to falling asleep in my arms (and then me falling asleep with her) for naps that she seems to always wake up when I put her down. Maybe I'm not waiting long enough. But if I were able to put her down, I'd almost rather her stay near us for the sole reason that I don't want her to need complete silence to sleep.
  • My LO naps in the bouncer, swing or during car rides. She won't sleep in her crib (we are working on that) but we def will leave the room where she sleeps if we need or want to. From day one we let her nap in living room where the noise was so it doesn't bother her. I'll cook with the TV on and me and DH talking and she keeps snoozing. When she wants to sleep, she does wherever.
  • Nope, LO naps in his crib (or in the car seat when we're out). In fact, he's there right now while I'm on the computer.
    Mama to two crazy kiddos
    J -- 9/04
    L -- 11/10
    E -- 7/15

  • Lo napped in her crib today 3 times!!! I didn't even know what to do with myself. I had the monitor attached to me and kept checking on her. Normally she will only sleep on someone so someone is always with her
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