Pregnant after a Loss

I'm a Mommy!!!

I'm holding my perfect baby boy in my arms right now (which is making typing very hard)!!

I will post my full birth story shortly, but I wanted to write an update to let you all know everything is great. The delivery was scary and filled with drama...of course...but it had the most wonderful ending! I had to have an emergency c-section, but it was very quick and I'm healing well from it.

EJ was born at 3:20 am on New Year's Day. He was a small 5 lbs 6 oz and is now about 5 lbs even. He's 19 inches long and has long legs like his Daddy. We think he's just perfect. He's such a good little boy. Only fusses or cries when he's hungry and loves to be held.

I'm so in love :)


After 27 months, 5 IUI's, 3 m/c's, 2 IVF's, 2 FET's (and a partridge in a pear tree) we finally had our baby boy. Our first son was born on Jan. 1, 2009.

Did another round of IVF and our girl/boy twins were born May 12, 2011

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