June 2015 Moms

Former self

Has anyone else been struggling with losing their former selves or feeling like they are having some sort of identity crisis? Right around the four month mark I started thinking about the things I've lost: freedom to get up and go, my career and coworkers, traveling, MY BODY, my pre-pregnancy wardrobe, hell my palate! No joke my taste buds have changed. WTF?! It's not like I haven't lived my life to the fullest beforehand - I've traveled around the world (literally), lived abroad, made wonderful memories with friends and family, even waited until I was 32 and 6.5yrs of marriage before having kids with my husband. Why am I mourning what I once was when I am blessed with a perfect child, cute house and adoring husband!?
I'd love to know if anyone is feeling this way too!

This article summed it up perfectly: https://www.renegademothering.com/2013/02/09/i-became-a-mother-and-died-to-live/

Re: Former self

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  • Identity is a social construct that doesn't exist within an individual; it only exists in group settings. Some people are identified by what they do. Some by who or what they love or hate. Many create identies with the stories they themselves about themselves (based on truth or imagination).

    I think of myself as a neutral observer to this world that I was born into. I accept every day as my life, but not as "me."
  • Loved this article. Thank you. I really struggled with losing my identity with my first child. This is my second and I'm dealing with it better, but there are still times I wish I could just be by myself and not responsible for anyone else!
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  • There is a very interesting theological discussion going on here! June moms rule. Love you ladies for always presenting a point of view on which I can ponder
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  • I'm a really boring person. As far as hobbies go, I'm into reading, baths, and drinking wine. I'd love to travel more, but it's not financially feasible for us. I'm a very nurturing person so I really enjoy being a mommy and a wife. I think it's pretty cool that DH and I are responsible for bringing up this little person who hopefully grows up to be an awesome adult. DH makes sure I still get my me time, as I do enjoy time to myself.

    Personally, I don't feel like I'm missing anything, but I understand how others do.
  • ^^^ I agree with both if you. Working out is a major outlet for me. Totally not the baby's fault I can't. It's my broken foots fault, which is my own clumsy fault. But I think that's why I'm feeling down! Once I can go on my walks/jogs and do yoga, I'll be good to go. Who needs a bunch of hobbies when you can just drink wine instead? Haha
  • I wish I had a table space to do a giant puzzle. I love puzzles.
    TTC: 1/2014 BFP: 9/24 EDD: 6/8/2015 Sorry for the poor man's siggy...ticker won't load regardless of how many tips I read.
  • I love puzzles, too! I have a beauty and the beast puzzle DH got me last year (it's a Thomas Kincaid) one. I got a good bit done, but once I got further into my pregnancy, I couldn't stand sitting in the chairs at the kitchen table. It's now on a piece of cardboard on the chest of drawers in the guest room
  • I laughed out loud at both of these! Love them!
  • I am personally okay with who I am becoming as a mom. I too have hobbies that are from home (reading, bath, wine). I find I am struggling more with my identity as a friend. I am in my 20's & my husband & I got married young, so just now all our friends are getting married. I have one friend who is sympathetic & amazing (but she doesn't really know yet). I have another who is so confused. She used to call twice a week after work to chat & I haven't answered recently because the last few times have been complaints and silly chatter and I haven't seen my LO all day. She doesn't get it at all. It's so weird being a mommy when my close friends aren't.
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