
looking for some information please

Hello ladies :) My husband and I have just experienced our 2 miscarriage and feel that God is leading us to adopt. But we have no clue where to start. We would like to find a birth mother and do a private adoption because through DHR in alabama they say we have to be married for 3 years. We have been married almost 2. I was just hoping I would be able to get some insight from you guys here. Any thing you could give me would be amazingly helpful  

Re: looking for some information please

  • Hi friend~
    Well, that's wonderful you and hubby are willing to consider adoption! There's a lot of children out there in need of a loving home, and you sound like you'll be great parents. As far as getting started with adoption, you might want to check out a website like I believe they have a section where you can actually see specific state requirements, etc. for adopting a child. Or this resource list had a bunch of referrals and suggestions on material that may be helpful. So, just FYI if you want to take a look. In the meantime, I'll keep you in my prayers!
  • thank you I can't believe I over looked that post :) very helpful :) 
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