July 2015 Moms

What are you working on?

Everyday I try to think of new ideas to teach/ show LO. Today we are working on grabbing the teether and bringing it to her mouth. The other day I showed her how to pick up her legs and push them down. :) Any one else have ideas or certain things they do with LO?

Re: What are you working on?

  • Tummy time, head control & looking at & listening to books every night
  • My LO will not do tummy time. I've been trying different things to encourage tummy time and she is not having any of it.
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  • Mine hates funny time too! Right now (literally as we speak) I am trying to teach Lo that it's ok to sleep in her rock n play for a nap lol it has been a half hour of shushing and patting her chest while she sucks on her bink and flails her arms, which in turn knocks the bink out, and we are back to square one. Believe me it's not that I don't love to snuggle her but I would much rather get things done while she's asleep so I can really focus on her while she's awake.
  • Yes we are working on crib naps too! Yesterday he slept for over 2 hours in the crib even while DH vacuumed the rest of the house
  • Tummy time, sitting and head control, swatting at and grasping toys, looking at and listening to books, copying facial expressions and sounds, feeling different textures, looking at different patterns

    I go back to work at the end of the month so I'm doing as much as I can without over stimulating him.

    DS1 7/24/15

    DS2 5/7/17

  • ecloho said:

    Yes we are working on crib naps too! Yesterday he slept for over 2 hours in the crib even while DH vacuumed the rest of the house

    Any tips on how u got your little one to sleep?
  • @jmucc421 honestly kind of caught me by surprise yesterday too! I think he was really just super tired had only had some short little naps and I laid him down and he went to sleep and stayed asleep
  • n3na94n3na94 member
    edited October 2015

    The only way I got LO to enjoy tummy time was to lay on my back on the floor, raise my knees up in the air at 90 degrees, set LO on the flat part (up in the air) and hold him there. He raises his head and looks around and laughs! Then I slowly started transitioning to the floor as well- he rolled over this morning, but I haven't told my husband because I want him to see and think it's the first time- haha!

    That's a great idea! It looks like it also works as a great abs exercise for mama!! Lol
  • My baby boy is teething so he loves chewing on his hands. I'm working on him grabbing his teething keys (toy) and chew on that instead of his hands! But I think he prefers his hands instead lol :D
  • Rolling over. She has great head/neck control but is looking at us like we're crazy when we try to encourage the roll. I think its comical for both of us.
    TTC since June 2010
    5 Angels

    Lilypie - (hlC0)
  • Tummy time, rolling over, grasping and swatting toys...and not screaming at me every time I open a book, haha. He doesn't like to sit still unless he's over my shoulder, so story time is a struggle.
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Lol @SnarkasaurusRex I thought I was the only one who doesn't read to their baby because he won't sit still. He hates it, always has to be moving!!
  • I'm working on him grabbing things. He rolled over on the 1st and he just turned three months. I didn't even show him how to roll it freaked me out but I'm glad he was on the floor and not the bed!! I have him play on the mat a couple of times a day since he seems to enjoy rolling now. I wish he would grab the teething ring bc he has started teething a bit! I talk to him a lot and encourage him to say mama. Lol
  • chrisaw said:
    Lol @SnarkasaurusRex I thought I was the only one who doesn't read to their baby because he won't sit still. He hates it, always has to be moving!!
    I tried reading red fish blue fish about 3 times and each time LO started screaming. Although we have another book that is pictures of animals and jsut says their names. My SO showed him the pictures and made the animal noises and that got his interest.
  • Vowels. LO loves to copy my oohs and aahs.
    Swatting at toys / grasping
    Napping in crib / bedtime routine (but I think she has it down)

    I read my adult books to Hazel. DH reads children's books to her before bed as I nurse, but I think the value of it is hearing our voices... Not necessarily the pictures per se.
  • KAR8706 said:
    chrisaw said:
    Lol @SnarkasaurusRex I thought I was the only one who doesn't read to their baby because he won't sit still. He hates it, always has to be moving!!
    I tried reading red fish blue fish about 3 times and each time LO started screaming. Although we have another book that is pictures of animals and jsut says their names. My SO showed him the pictures and made the animal noises and that got his interest.
    The only book that he really loves is called Noisy Farm, because it has buttons you press to make animal sounds as well as little feeler parts where they can 'touch' the animals. Even that one only works for so long, haha. I read to him when he's on my shoulder anyway, since that keeps him calm, so hopefully he'll start to chill out about books soon.
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I've been reading 'pippa the pumpkin fairy' LO seems to like it. She touches the pages and smiles when I make noises.
  • I'm working on Halloween costumes!!
    It's he most wonderful time of the year!!!
  • She held on to her toy for like 20 minutes while playing! First time she has really gripped something and held on to it! Proud Momma moment :)
  • beeish said:

    I've been reading 'pippa the pumpkin fairy' LO seems to like it. She touches the pages and smiles when I make noises.

    Too funny I bought that book for LO and SO was reading it to her the other day when it mentioned Twitter..or Flitter and he was like WTF lol..funny how our world is so obsessed with social media it has to be in a childrens book! It is a super cute book tho LO loves it! :)
  • beeishbeeish member
    edited October 2015
    Vronyo16 said:

    beeish said:

    I've been reading 'pippa the pumpkin fairy' LO seems to like it. She touches the pages and smiles when I make noises.

    Too funny I bought that book for LO and SO was reading it to her the other day when it mentioned Twitter..or Flitter and he was like WTF lol..funny how our world is so obsessed with social media it has to be in a childrens book! It is a super cute book tho LO loves it! :)
    My DH said the same thing! I told him Twitter and Flitter are not the same thing and I didn't get his comparison. Lol ;)
    My LO also has a piano gym. She loves it!!
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