Everyday I try to think of new ideas to teach/ show LO. Today we are working on grabbing the teether and bringing it to her mouth. The other day I showed her how to pick up her legs and push them down.

Any one else have ideas or certain things they do with LO?
Re: What are you working on?
I go back to work at the end of the month so I'm doing as much as I can without over stimulating him.
DS1 7/24/15
DS2 5/7/17
5 Angels
Swatting at toys / grasping
Napping in crib / bedtime routine (but I think she has it down)
I read my adult books to Hazel. DH reads children's books to her before bed as I nurse, but I think the value of it is hearing our voices... Not necessarily the pictures per se.
It's he most wonderful time of the year!!!
My LO also has a piano gym. She loves it!!