Happy Monday everybody! It's checkin time...
Welcome new members: @lablover78, @erica0901, @agriffin92013, @Lin&say, @JamieL31210
Hugs for anyone who needs one today.
stac12679: dx: Bilateral tubal blockage treatment: mini IVF
tripplek1988: dx: PCOS treatment: Clomid
KidShrink: dx:Immature follies, thin lining treatment: Femara/Ovidrel/Prometrieum
krbjoy: dx: unexplained, low AMH, fibroids treatment:Lupron, Follistim, Menopur + trigger
AdorkablePixie: dx: Hpyothalmic amenorrhea treatment: Menopur, Ovidrel, IUI
kistra: dx: MFI treatment: Clomid, Ovidrel, IUI
@GoldenKeys: dx:unexplained treatment: currently benched, getting healthy
@kittycap dx: PCOS treatment: Clomid
@kristylang dx:Low counts/quality treatment: Clomid+IUI
@jurba25 dx:PCOS/hypothyroidism treatment: Clomid
@starlitfae dx:Unexplained, thyroid treatment: Synthroid, femara, trigger+IUI
@chaconvanessa: dx:testing phase treatment: Charting
@mandasand: dx: low AMH treatment:IVF
@jnissa: dx: DOR treatment: IVF
@AnnieBananie90: dx: PCOS treatment: Clomid + TI
@Boogaloou: dx: PCOS +MFI treatment:metformin, femara, Purgon + IUI
@27alex: dx: unknown treatment: waiting to test
@tiffk10: dx PCOS treatment: Femara +TI
@J_k4ever05 dx: PCOS + MFI (morph) treatment: benched/getting healthy
@nickis32: dx: Endo + MFI (morph)
@Aera11: dx:mild PCOS treatment: Clomid
@lifeislove87 dx:autoimmune challenges
@Alyeena dx: PCOS + MFI treatment: modified IVF + ISCI
@BlissfulWifey: dx: Anovulatory: Progesterone + trigger
@SandyBrook: dx: irregular bleeding treatment: testing phase
@AndieB83: dx:unexplained treatment: Clomid/IUI
@Cupcakegal930: dx: MFI: count and motility treatment: IVF+ISCI
@graphicgranite: dx: Possible PCOS treatment: Clomid + testing
@eekers: Unexplained treatment:Femara, Ovidrel, Prometrium
@amazeballz: DX: pcos treatment: TBD
@mmkipper: dx: MFI/motility treatment: Clomid + IUI
@ACleanLife24: dx: PCOS, MCTD and IBS: treatment: testing phase
@Mando15: dx: PCOS treatment: Clomid + IUI
@Inge Molon: dx: PCOS treatment: Letrozole + Ovidrel
@AshleySchulte87: dx: PCOS, Premature ovarian failure treatment:Clomid
@clt2pwm11: dx:anovulatory PCOS treatment: Provera + Clomid
@linne23 dx: PCOS treatment: Clomid + trigger
@CopperLane dx: PCOS treatment: possible Clomid
@mylienc: dx:low follicle count treatment: Clomid + Novarel
@ceclarlinetlo: testing with RE
@babyexpress: dx: unexplained treatment: Clomid + IUI
@GoatSnakeMouse: dx: MFI treatment:waiting for RE
@Osteoblastic: dx:Irregular cycles, unofficial pCOS treatment: Getting healthy
@riveridgional: dx: Unexplained, hypothyroidism, suspected ovulatory dysfunction treatment: injectibles
@smfeuro: dx: Unexplained and RPL treatment: Clomid + Ovidrel
@Drove2u: dx:unexplained treatment: IUI
@LauraNick2010: dx:unexplained treatment: Provera + Clomid
@yellingbanana: dx: PCOS treatment: Letrozole, metformin, trigger, TI
@twomommiestobe: dx: anovulatory treatment: testing + getting healthy
@turtle148: dx: LPD treatment: Clomid + progesterone
@kaitlink33: dx: PCOS treatment: Clomid + provera
@Whiggrrl65: dx: PCOS treatment: Letrozole and Ovidrel + IUI
@gardeniagirlknits: dx: hypothyroidism & thyroid cancer dx: synthroid, thyroidectomy
@roosh1982: dx: Unexplained infertility treatment: Femara, estrace + trigger
@rachlee2010: dx: DOR treatment: IUI
@AL_TwinCities: dx: Unknown treatment: continued temping for now
@jclaire2: dx: Unexplained Infertility & hypothyroid treatment: Letrozole, trigger shot, IUI and progesterone
@tiffany929: dx: Endo treatment: Lupron injects
@hrenee721: dx: MFI treatment: Clomid + Ovidrel + IUI
@mackenzie07: dx: Endo + PCOS treatment: Provera + Clomid
@lily55d: dx: Endo + PCOS treatment: Metformin, Clomid + trigger
@calfherder: dx: MFI treatment: IUI then IVF
@Tawnie2929: dx: testing
@lablover78: dx: unexplained/irregular cycles/PCOS treatment: acupuncture & herbs
@erica0901: dx: Unexplained treatment:IUI, Clomid
@agriffin92013: dx: Unexplained treatment: IUI+femara
@Lin&say: dx: Unexplained treatment: Clomid
@JamieL31210: dx: unexplained treatment: clomid
To be added to the Weekly Checkin, please answer the following:
1. How long have you been TTC?
2. What is your diagnosis?
3. What is your current treatment plan?
Question of the Week: Anything special happening this month outside of TTC?
Re: TTTC Checkin 10/5/2015
Past Treatment: Clomid + Metformin x 3 BFN
Letrozole 5 mg + Trigger shot + IUI = BFP!
Beta confirmed 8/22
EDD 5/1/17
This month I have a conference in Dallas and a product manufacturing plant visit in Toronto. Looking forward to them both, and seeing those cities for the first time!
TTC since May 2014.
Aug 2014 BFP, EDD April 22, 2015. Low progesterone, started suppositories. Loss at 5w6d.
Nov 19, 2015 BFP at 13 dpo, EDD July 29, 2016. MMC discovered 12/29 (9+4). Natural miscarriage 1/16 (12+1).
AMH results 0.42, 1.2; FSH 12.1, AFC 10, dx DOR.
RPL testing results normal. Nurse recommended progesterone suppositories in TWW.
Clomid + trigger + TI cycle August 2016 - failed. Thin lining.
Femara + trigger + TI cycle December 2016 - failed. Thin lining.
Short LP (8 days).
Acupuncture & Chinese herbs starting January 2017, lengthened LP to 10 days
Summer 2016 LFAF awards:
Winter 2016/2017 LFAF awards:
We have decided to postpone IVF until next year. I had kind of a meltdown about it but I'm okay now. We are moving to a new house and I had forgotten how much work is involved in making that transition. Trying to cycle and going through the stress of being PUPO will be too much. Intellectually, it all makes perfect sense but I've been really emotionally invested in the idea of being pregnant before the end of the year.
The bright side is that I am in love with our new house. I drive by it every day and can't believe that it's ours. Well, at least it will be ours after closing.
QOTW: My anniversary is coming up this month!
Married for 7 years, TTC for 4 years
dx: Diminished Ovarian Reserve
2 Clomid IUI's + 4 injectable IUI's= 5 BFNs and 1 mc
Qotw: this month is busy for me as I sell wigs at scifi cons and have newyork comic con as well as Halloween craziness.
TTC #2 starting 9/2019
BFP 7/13/2020!
Due 3/18/2021
TTC #1 since 2/2015
Diagnosis: Unexplained Infertility 9/2015
Moving to IVF with ICSI and PGS 5/2016-6/2016 Just kidding, BFP 4/4/2016!
Spencer Elliott born 12/7/2016
I'm currently 7dpiui. Been having cramping and heart burn but I'm blaming it on the progesterone suppositories and trying not to symptom spot.
We are going to the baseball hall of fame in Cooperstown, NY in 2 weeks and taking my MIL. This is our Christmas present to her from last year and we were originally supposed to take her in April but my dad got sick and we had to move it. She is very excited to finally go. Should be fun.
AF showed up early this month giving me an 11 day luteal phase. So now for the 5 cycles I've confirmed ovulation I've had luteal phases of 11, 12, 13 and 14 days which seems odd to me that they aren't consistent so I'm going to make sure we talk about it at my RE appointment. My records from the OB still haven't made it to the office - if they aren't there in a week I may just suck it up and drive the hour to take a copy there myself.
@clt2pwm11 FX for your BFP this cycle! And for your comprehensive exam! That's very exciting! What are you studying?
@GoldenKeys - ugh what a hard decision that must have been to make - so glad you are getting so much joy from your house while you have to wait. Congrats on your anniversary!
@Tawnie2929 - welcome! I have a weird uterus too - but I have a different defect called a septate uterus - I go nov 12 to see an RE who can hopefully fix it. FX for your clomid!
Hallowen is my second favorite holiday so I am pretty pumped for this month.
BFP1 12/24/14 - EDD 09/07/15 (D/C 8w1d)
BFP2 6/12/15 - EDD 2/22/16 (D/C 10w3d)
Diagnoses and Treatments
PCOS (myo-inositol, excercize)
Indeterminant levels of APS IgM antibodies (baby aspirin)
Sub-septate uterus (hysteroscopic septoplasty 12/18/15)
BFP3 05/02/16 EDD 01/09/17 DS born 01/05/17
BFP4 01/28/19 EDD 10/?/19 🤞🙏
Not much for updates here. Currently in 2nd half of TWW and trying to keep my mind on other things. Have a business trip this week, so hopefully that will be a nice distraction.
QOTW: 3 birthdays in October (Me, Hubby and our Furbaby turns 3) We will be doing lots of celebrating this month and the weather is already amazing.
TTC- since we got married (off and on)
TTC with focus: Since July 2015
December 2015: Starting 1st IVF cycle
January 2016: Retrieval
March 2016: Pending Transfer (I have 3 PGS tested embryos waiting for a womb)
April 2016: BFP, the old fashioned way.
This month is insane for me and unfortunately involves alcohol which I can't drink right now. Just to give you an idea of what's going on.
NYC cruise with the family
Gala benefit
Theatre to see baby doll with Dylan McDermott
Oktoberfest party
Winery trip with 15 friends
I'm already exhausted!
I did spend the weekend with all of cousins, who are VERY fertile. Two baby bumps and countless children. I did very well, only a tiny bit of sadness but nothing like the psychotic jealous person I usually am
This month: two baby showers for donor's wife.... boooooo! that is our only plans we have. Ugghhh I might resume my psychotic jealous state after these showers hahaha p.s. we decided we are going to buy sperm, cheaper and I don't have to deal with her any more
RE DX for me: Anovulatory cycles/Mild PCOS RE DX for DW: Endometrioma on left Ovary.
Reciprocal Ivf Feb 2016. DW eggs and I am carrying. EDD: 10/27/16
It's nice to learn a little bit more about all of you! I am currently in vacation in Croatia- it's amazing here!! However I actually came with a couple & their 6 month old. It was a random opportunity that presented itself when I was feeling pretty low about the TTC stuff. They never got a honeymoon & wanted someone to travel w/ them to give them some nights alone, I was having a need for adventure itch and had an uncommon break in my work scheduling and it was a last minute decision. It's been fabulous but I woke up today with all the TTTC issues brining me down and decided to see what was going on here.
I have an appointment to discuss Clomid a couple of days after I return on the 19th. I would love someone to tell me that it's all going to be ok. Have a great week ladies.
No Folic acid/pharmaceuticals/supplements (too many to list- private message me if interested), IVIL infusion
*Child mentioned*
Round 2 of Femara- BFP!!! First beta at 10dpo- 28 Second beta at 12 dpo- ?
QOTW: Where to begin? October is my favorite month of the year! Today is DH and my's 3rd Anniversary, so we are going out for a nice dinner! We're carving pumpkins this weekend with his godchild, who is just too adorable for words! Next weekend, we are going to a haunted cornmaze, which is basically a haunted house inside a cornmaze. Then, my little brother comes in town for his friends' wedding, which we also get to go to! Hopefullyall the activity will be just what I need to keep my mind occupied!
@GoldenKeys I'm sorry to hear about your delay, but glad you can make your beautiful new house your distraction. I agree it may be a whole lot going on around the same time and may add stress to the process, which you definitely wouldn't want!
...soooo....I wanted to do comments for everyone but realized it would take forever! So, I'll just say to all that you'll be in my thoughts and I'm sending positive vibes your way!
This month nothing exciting if i dont get a bfp i will go to Halloween horror nights.
19 months
2. What is your diagnosis?
Male Factor
3. What is your current treatment plan?
IUI on 9/23 - BFN
Planning on another IUI next month
Qotw: The only real thing I have going on is passing an exam that determines if I can graduate in December.
Nearing the end of my TWW. Maybe it's because I didn't have high hopes for this cycle, or that I don't have any PMS symptoms, or maybe because I have my RE consultation next week, but I've been pretty relaxed since my IUI. I suppose it's because whatever the outcome we have a plan to learn more and I'm one for plans.
Keeping FX for all of us.
QOTW: our 3yr anniversary is on the 27th and of course HALLOWEEN!! We decided on the Joker and Harley Quinn this year. It's gonna be so much fun.
DX - MFI Antibodies, High DNA fragmentation
IUI #1 November 2015 - 0% Motility
IVF #2 May 2016 - (FAIL/25 eggs, 1 5BB xx, PGS abnormal)
BFP1 12/24/14 - EDD 09/07/15 (D/C 8w1d)
BFP2 6/12/15 - EDD 2/22/16 (D/C 10w3d)
Diagnoses and Treatments
PCOS (myo-inositol, excercize)
Indeterminant levels of APS IgM antibodies (baby aspirin)
Sub-septate uterus (hysteroscopic septoplasty 12/18/15)
BFP3 05/02/16 EDD 01/09/17 DS born 01/05/17
BFP4 01/28/19 EDD 10/?/19 🤞🙏
@GoldenKeys congrats on the house!!!!!! I'm sorry that you are pushing back IVF, but a new house is probably one of the best distractions there can be! The last few weeks I've been burying myself in house projects to keep my mind off my crap ovaries. It helps.
QOTW: It is our first fall in four years and my husband is excited about it and I'm just plain grumpy about it. This cold weather is getting me down, I'm used to summer temps all year. Fall is my favorite season so I'm going to switch my annual beds to fall foliage and get the house all decorated to try to get out of this funk! That's about as exciting as I get, haha.
My OB confirmed with a beta test the past 3 days of positive HPT is accurate.
I'm praying that you all get yours. This group has been so therapeutic for me. I feel I know you all so well, you e been the only ones who have truly understood what I've been going through. I believe we will all get there if we just keep our course.
I look forward to keeping up with the group.
FX it sticks as this is my first ever positive.
BFP1 12/24/14 - EDD 09/07/15 (D/C 8w1d)
BFP2 6/12/15 - EDD 2/22/16 (D/C 10w3d)
Diagnoses and Treatments
PCOS (myo-inositol, excercize)
Indeterminant levels of APS IgM antibodies (baby aspirin)
Sub-septate uterus (hysteroscopic septoplasty 12/18/15)
BFP3 05/02/16 EDD 01/09/17 DS born 01/05/17
BFP4 01/28/19 EDD 10/?/19 🤞🙏
No Folic acid/pharmaceuticals/supplements (too many to list- private message me if interested), IVIL infusion
RE DX for me: Anovulatory cycles/Mild PCOS RE DX for DW: Endometrioma on left Ovary.
Reciprocal Ivf Feb 2016. DW eggs and I am carrying. EDD: 10/27/16
Baby showers are so hard. Hugs to you and your wife.
BFP1 12/24/14 - EDD 09/07/15 (D/C 8w1d)
BFP2 6/12/15 - EDD 2/22/16 (D/C 10w3d)
Diagnoses and Treatments
PCOS (myo-inositol, excercize)
Indeterminant levels of APS IgM antibodies (baby aspirin)
Sub-septate uterus (hysteroscopic septoplasty 12/18/15)
BFP3 05/02/16 EDD 01/09/17 DS born 01/05/17
BFP4 01/28/19 EDD 10/?/19 🤞🙏
RE DX for me: Anovulatory cycles/Mild PCOS RE DX for DW: Endometrioma on left Ovary.
Reciprocal Ivf Feb 2016. DW eggs and I am carrying. EDD: 10/27/16
@twomommiestobe I feel the same way. I had my consultation in July and haven't started treatment yet because I've been dragging my feet. My insurance doesn't cover IF and the whole process freaks me out. It's ok to be nervous. Maybe setting some goal/award system will help. Come up with a timeline of when you want to make the call and set up a reward, like froyo or something simple but enjoyable. I know it sounds silly but this system helps me. Good luck!
Question of the Week: It's getting colder so I've been hibernating a little bit more but we did go for a nice foliage drive today to see the scenery which was beautiful! Feel like fall and cold weather came too quick...its beautiful but then winter comes and the cold weather begins (I live in Vermont).
Baby dust to all!!
TI for 4 cycles: 1 round of femara; 2 rounds femara/ injectables: all ended in BFN.
3 IUI Cycles: letrozole/Follistim with HCG Trigger,all resulted in BFN.
FET #1: Baseline appt 4/28/16, Gonal-F/Menopur stims, Centrotide 5/4/16, ER 5/11/16; 6/8/16 ET, BFN
FET #2: Baseline appt 6/22/16, Estrace/PIO shots: 7/12/16 ET, 1st beta 7/21/16: 83 BFP, 2nd beta 7/23/16: 315. 1st U/S: 8/4/16 empty sac. 2nd U/S: 8/10/16 yolk sac appeared, everything stopped growing. Office D&C: 8/11/16, MC.
FET #3: Baseline appt 12/28/16, Estrace/PIO shots: 1/17/17 ET, 1st beta 1/27/17: 146 BFP, 2nd beta 1/29/17: 336, 1st U/S: 2/16/17, 2 healthy twin babies measuring 7w0d. EDD: 10/5/17
QotW - mom and I are going to a Loreena McKennitt concert at the end of the month, and I can't wait!
TTC since 2011
No Folic acid/pharmaceuticals/supplements (too many to list- private message me if interested), IVIL infusion
In the meantime, I'm wondering if my RE will recommend iui while I wait. Might be an option. And then do the IVF for a possible 2nd child? But I've done 6 cycles of clomid and I honestly don't see iui being successful either. Since I guess its success rates are no better 20%, which is the rate every couple has to conceive per month without any assistance. Although mine must be 1% or at least that's what I feels like.
My RE is alright but when I saw her at the office initially back in January after blood work and ultrasounds she told me my options were iui or IVF. Since my ovarian reserve I guess was lower than others my age and I should consider 1 of the 2 options soon. I decided in April I wanted to try iui since that was what we could afford to do. And then she told me that we should not do that but instead she wanted to do a few rounds of clomid before jumping to iui. Urgh! Really... And so I've done now 3 cycles and nothing. Everything looked good on paper, but no success - I think she is completely shocked. Never felt she took me seriously after that initial visit. And she felt since I'm still in my 20's (although late 20's) that I can the time to spare, but I really don't. So frustrating...
TTC since March 2012
2013-2014 - 6 rounds of Clomid - BFNs
3 failed IUIs in 2015
October 2015 - wait listed for IVF #1
IVF #1 March 2016 - bfn, zero frosties!
Femara cycle 1 May 2016 - POAS starting May 21st / beta testing May 25th....