
Pumping schedule for working moms

Just wondering if any working moms have varying work schedules and how you handle BF and pumping? I work retail which means my schedule is not consistent. I could work at 6am one day and then go in at 3pm the next and not get home till 1am. I can't really establish a succinct schedule for when I pump and when I'll feed my LO. How did other moms handle this? Was your LO affected by inconsistencies?

Re: Pumping schedule for working moms

  • I pump exclusively, so I have no idea how pumping and BF would go..

    I pump in the morning, on lunch and at night( 2x if I have time) LO will be 11 weeks tomorrow and so far I'm able to keep up.

    From the tips I've been given consistency helps. If you give them a time each day will they allow you to pump on break( or even clock out) to do so? My work is surprisingly really awesome about it. It wouldn't hurt to just ask them what they're ok with.. After all, it's making food for your munchkin.
  • Just try to always pump when your baby would be eating, so if you're home you're nursing and at work you're pumping. Baby's eating schedule will change a bit too over time. Hopefully your work will allow breaks when you need it to keep your supply up--and not become engorged too! It's a necessity not an extra break for fun, your employer needs to understand that. I pump 3x at work, about every 2.5 hrs, and nurse before and after work. It'll help to do it at the same times each day to establish supply and be able to nurse at the times when your baby is hungry and you're home with him/her. Best of luck!! It'll work out you'll figure out a routine!
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  • Plus if your employer knows that your pumping schedule is say 930, 1:00 and 3:30, they'll just know that despite what time your shift is, these are the times your breaks will be. My boss wants to have a meeting at 9 I say ok but I need to be out of there to pump at 9:30, and its respected.
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