March 2016 Moms

High Risk pregnancy

Hi all! I'm 18w3d and have 2 appointments this week, one with high risk and one with regular. I have confirmed the high risk doctor will do an ultrasound but will my primary ob too? I am new to this. Thanks!

Re: High Risk pregnancy

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    I think it depends on the case. For me, I see my high risk every 2 weeks and they do all the ultrasounds. My MD treats it mostly like a normal pregnancy with a few changes such as having to see an MD always versus a nurse practioner. I still only see them monthly and the only ultrasound they did was early on bc they couldn't get a hb on the doppler. Hope all goes well for you!
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    I am all handled at the hospital and only meet with my local midwife if the appt falls inbetween the more regular hospital ones.  All she does is BP and doppler.
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    I have a MFM who works with my OB group overseeing my pregnancy, but I usually only see her twice. She orders extra bloodwork and ultrasounds during my 3rd trimester to check on certain things and my OB goes over them with me. Fortunately there haven't been any problems in past pregnancies, otherwise i guess I'd. E meeting with her more. I see her for an underlying autoimmune disorder and it's not considered super high risk to the baby as long as it's being monitored.
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    I am high risk, and had my one (and only) appointment last week.  For me it was a total waste of time.  Simply because I had a premature pregnancy- I had to go to Syracuse, sit in a waiting room, got my weight and bp done, then was taken to a room which was more like an empty office (desk/computer, 3 chairs, and an empty book shelf), sat and talked with a doctor for 5 minutes about his recommendations, and was told I was free to go.  That was it.  I don't even have to go back there.
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    I'm considered high-risk, but they just told me that I would have to go in every week after I was 20weeks. I'm pretty sure I am not getting a specialist just the OB each time instead of the nurse practitioner and they informed me that I would deliver a week early.
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    I'm high risk, but I simply go in every 2 weeks for now. That will increase some time after 20 weeks. The only thing I have to do differently really, is that I have 2 stress tests I have to do
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    I'm high risk and 19 weeks. I see my regular ob once a month and the high risk ob once a month. They space it so I'm only 2 weeks at a time not seeing a doctor. They both do one every time I go. It may depend on your insurance to if they do them.
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