May 2016 Moms

Are anyone else's symptoms starting to lessen?

Good morning, all.

I am 9w4d. So I have been noticing a decrease in my symptoms over the past several days and it is starting to worry me a bit. For one, my breasts have been killing me lately and growing rapidly but this morning they don't seem to hurt at all. Also I am noticed that I am not getting as nauseous as I was in the past few weeks. Is anyone else experiencing this? Should I be worried at all?

Re: Are anyone else's symptoms starting to lessen?

  • This is asked pretty often on the boards. If you use the search function, you will find hundreds, if not thousands of posts about this that might reassure you. Yes, its common. I barely have had any syptoms at all, but at @8 weeks, what I do have is fading away a lot. Nothing to really worry about.

    cat fail animated GIF

  • From what I have read on other posts about similar topics, it is normal for symptoms to come and go.   Some days my boobs are sore others are not.  So on and so forth.  I just keep telling myself everyday that today I am pregnant.  That is my mantra.
    If you are super worried and need reassurance you can always call and talk to your doctor.

    First Pregnancy
    • BFP: 01/25/2015
    • EDD: 09/28/2015
    • Incomplete MC: 02/28/2015

    Second Pregnancy

    • BFP: 09/11/2015
    • EDD: 05/25/2016
    Baby Born

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  • sarawifenowsarawifenow member
    edited October 2015

    Thanks @yogahh I should have searched first. Sometimes I find that if I over search things, I end up freaking myself out. Ha! I am a natural worrier that is for sure. I'm glad to hear I am not the only one experiencing this.

    ETA: Thanks @nerdymama15 I like that mantra and need to adopt it!

  • Yup, I'm at 9 weeks today and MS has been gone for the past week. Maybe it will still come back before week 12 but hopefully not! My breasts are less tender, but I still have insomnia and bloating. I think it's normal for symptoms to come and go. I'm happy when they go and I can get on with the fun parts of pregnancy. 
  • Same here! I am 9 weeks and 3 days and my severe MS has tapered off a bit. I just had an ultrasound a few days ago and everything was fine so I'm not too worried. Enjoy the break!
  • The search comment, rude. Moving right along, this is me too girl! I'm 9 1/2 weeks as well and JUST yesterday I started to feel a marked lessening of my symptoms. And now today it's the same. With my previous 2 babies I felt the morning sickness lift at 12 weeks on the dot so this was new for me, but this pregnancy I've been sicker in general so maybe I'm getting an early reprieve, ha. Good to know I'm not the only one bc we had a loss in March. So though being sick had been miserable, it was also reassuring.
    BabyFetus Ticker
  • The search comment, rude. Moving right along, this is me too girl! I'm 9 1/2 weeks as well and JUST yesterday I started to feel a marked lessening of my symptoms. And now today it's the same. With my previous 2 babies I felt the morning sickness lift at 12 weeks on the dot so this was new for me, but this pregnancy I've been sicker in general so maybe I'm getting an early reprieve, ha. Good to know I'm not the only one bc we had a loss in March. So though being sick had been miserable, it was also reassuring.

    I don't find anything rude about telling people about the search function. The OP could find many more people that experienced the same thing. I find that helpful.
    *Siggy Warning*
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

  • I hit 8 weeks today and yesterday was the first day since week 5 that I didn't feel sore, exhausted, and nauseated all day. Today my nausea is mild. But it really feels like maybe I've turned a corner! I hope so. I wasn't sick at all with DS so this has been new for me.
    Pregnancy Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • @nickandheather, what is rude about asking someone to search?? Not only will you find LOADS of information already discussed on TB about the issue you are having (because believe me, she isn't the 1st to have cramping) but its also part of the TOU. As stated by the BGs:

    Got a question? Type it into the Search Box first. It’s likely that your question has been answered before.

    Personally, I find searching to be so helpful. I can read about others in the same situation, and get a sense of reassurance

    Additionally, there is a sticky at the top of the BMB to add your comments and questions about cramping.

    Kinda tired of hearing that those of us that suggest to search your questions 1st are rude. There is nothing rude about using the treasure trove of info already out there!

    cat fail animated GIF

  • The search comment, rude. Moving right along, this is me too girl! I'm 9 1/2 weeks as well and JUST yesterday I started to feel a marked lessening of my symptoms. And now today it's the same. With my previous 2 babies I felt the morning sickness lift at 12 weeks on the dot so this was new for me, but this pregnancy I've been sicker in general so maybe I'm getting an early reprieve, ha. Good to know I'm not the only one bc we had a loss in March. So though being sick had been miserable, it was also reassuring.
    I don't find anything rude about telling people about the search function. The OP could find many more people that experienced the same thing. I find that helpful.
    It is helpful to search for things, but I just thought that since we are all (relatively) as far along as each other that we may be experiencing the same things at the same times. 
  • sarawifenowsarawifenow member
    edited October 2015
    yogahh said:

    @nickandheather, what is rude about asking someone to search?? Not only will you find LOADS of information already discussed on TB about the issue you are having (because believe me, she isn't the 1st to have cramping) but its also part of the TOU. As stated by the BGs:

    Got a question? Type it into the Search Box first. It’s likely that your question has been answered before.

    Personally, I find searching to be so helpful. I can read about others in the same situation, and get a sense of reassurance

    Additionally, there is a sticky at the top of the BMB to add your comments and questions about cramping.

    Kinda tired of hearing that those of us that suggest to search your questions 1st are rude. There is nothing rude about using the treasure trove of info already out there!

    Definitely didn't mean to offend anyone by asking my question. I'll be sure to search everything in the future. As I stated above, I just thought that since we are all around the same time in our pregnancies that there might be someone that is experiencing it at the same time as me.

    ETA: Not sure where the cramping issue came up? I definitely didn't ask anything about that.

  • yogahh said:

    @nickandheather, what is rude about asking someone to search?? Not only will you find LOADS of information already discussed on TB about the issue you are having (because believe me, she isn't the 1st to have cramping) but its also part of the TOU. As stated by the BGs:

    Got a question? Type it into the Search Box first. It’s likely that your question has been answered before.

    Personally, I find searching to be so helpful. I can read about others in the same situation, and get a sense of reassurance

    Additionally, there is a sticky at the top of the BMB to add your comments and questions about cramping.

    Kinda tired of hearing that those of us that suggest to search your questions 1st are rude. There is nothing rude about using the treasure trove of info already out there!

    Definitely didn't mean to offend anyone by asking my question. I'll be sure to search everything in the future. As I stated above, I just thought that since we are all around the same time in our pregnancies that there might be someone that is experiencing it at the same time as me.

    Don't worry, you didn't offend!! Totally get being new. Its being called out as rude for offering a suggesting that is offensive (but I know that wasn't you!)

    cat fail animated GIF

  • @yogahh Ok thanks! Must be these pregnancy hormones making me sensitive! ;)
  • @sarawifenow you didn't offend anyone, people are just trying to get everyone used to the BMB so we can become a community. It just happens to be in the TOU (terms of use) that you should search for your question. But seriously, no biggie. 

    And to answer your question; my symptoms come and go. I haven't had any m/s and my boobs no longer hurt but are seriously forming their own zip code. And I'm hungry all the time but nothing sounds good. 
  • I'm 10 weeks 1 day, I was asking the same thing last week! My nausea came back yesterday, it has lessened but it's still there! So I did have a few days where I felt fine. It at come back but call your doc to go and see if they can check for he heartbeat with the Doppler.
  • yogahh said:

    @nickandheather, what is rude about asking someone to search?? Not only will you find LOADS of information already discussed on TB about the issue you are having (because believe me, she isn't the 1st to have cramping) but its also part of the TOU. As stated by the BGs:

    Got a question? Type it into the Search Box first. It’s likely that your question has been answered before.

    Personally, I find searching to be so helpful. I can read about others in the same situation, and get a sense of reassurance

    Additionally, there is a sticky at the top of the BMB to add your comments and questions about cramping.

    Kinda tired of hearing that those of us that suggest to search your questions 1st are rude. There is nothing rude about using the treasure trove of info already out there!

    Definitely didn't mean to offend anyone by asking my question. I'll be sure to search everything in the future. As I stated above, I just thought that since we are all around the same time in our pregnancies that there might be someone that is experiencing it at the same time as me.

    ETA: Not sure where the cramping issue came up? I definitely didn't ask anything about that.

    Blame my pregnancy hormones/brain! Got this post confused with another. But if you have cramping questions, theres a sticky! ;)

    cat fail animated GIF

  • I'm 6w1d and have hardly had any symptoms (knock on wood) other than my boobs are a little sore and my face is breaking out (probably from drooling on myself all day). Hopefully it stays this way but I know week 6 is a big week for symptoms.
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