August 2015 Moms


Hi moms... So my LO normally doesn't really cry but for the past week it seems like all he wants to do is cry & I can't figure out what he truly wants & he truly does it the most during the night. I also Pump so he is getting breast milk... He has a doctor's appointment next week. Are there any tips that could possibly help the crying (im going crazy) until we can get to the doctors to see if he truly is colic..

Re: Colic???

  • I know how you feel. My DD has colic sometimes for 12 or more hours during the day. I found that she feels much better when I swaddle her with a warm blanket or take a receiving blanket, iron it, and put it on her belly when it is very warm. Keeping her belly warm helps A LOT!I also like Mommy's Bliss gripe water, it calms her down for a while. Also, my aunt suggested drinking a lot of fennel seed loose tea and said it helped soothe her baby's colic. I did not try that yet (I just ordered the tea so I'll see how that works)
  • Try a warm bath or shower together, often the warm water calms baby's and soothes their little tummy. Lavender baby oil rubbed into the Tummy also seems to work a little, it might just be the massage of the belly rather than the oil though, and apparently drinking lots of chamomile tea can help sooth babes too. Good luck and I hope it passes soon for you :)
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  • Try a warm bath or shower together, often the warm water calms baby's and soothes their little tummy. Lavender baby oil rubbed into the Tummy also seems to work a little, it might just be the massage of the belly rather than the oil though, and apparently drinking lots of chamomile tea can help sooth babes too. Good luck and I hope it passes soon for you :)
  • I second the warm bath. When baby girl is fussy, it calms her down in seconds. I keep her in there for 15-20 mn and drape a warm wet wash cloth over her tummy and pour warm water on her. We've had the best luck with gas drops by giving them before every feeding between 5pm and 5 am. They don't seem to help much if we give them to her after she's already gassy.
  • missliz53 said:

    We've had the best luck with gas drops by giving them before every feeding between 5pm and 5 am. They don't seem to help much if we give them to her after she's already gassy.

    I use Mylicon in all her bottles of expressed breast milk and it has made a world of difference for us.
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  • Oh no I'm right there with you. . . So hard my baby had colic starting Week 2 and it seemed nothing would help. . . Have you tried walking in the stroller? We walk the neighborhood in the days and the kitchen/living room at night. Anti colic drops by gerber are a huge blessing ask your dr for a coupon they are 30$ and last 10 days so you will want a couple but they work so amazing for us! Bouncing, feeding more , humidifier, sitting in the bathroom with the shower water on warm, bouncy/vibrating chair with my bouncing and laying him stomach to stomach after every feed upright for 30 min really seems to help! Also I invested in a baby massage lesson and it's helped so so much! Also bicycle pumping the legs or bringing them into the tummy and holding for 30 seconds. I learned what works today doesn't work tomorrow so trying everything over and over again. I also found pacifier works some days and our baby will have a wet diaper before the strip turns blue so I always change his diaper when the fussiness seems to start for no reason. Remember it's okay to put the baby down and walk away and ask for help or a family member to watch the baby even if you just need to jump in the car for 5 min for some much needed silence. I've had a couple of good days mixed in lately so I wish you the best seriously one of the hardest things ever with the lack of sleep and constant crying where you just want to provide and take care of your baby and you don't know how to fix it. But you are doing a great job don't forget it! Good luck!!!!
  • My husband and I were totally against pacifiers until our son was colicky. It really helps him relax. We also use gas drops. I also think swaddling him, holding him on my chest closely while shushing and rocking him works wonders! Wishing you the best of luck. Just remember to stay calm and it's just a phase :)
  • I second the gerber colic drops. My husband and I noticed a huge difference just hours after starting them. Our pediatrician said they're basically just probiotics, so we feel ok about using them daily. Our little guy is so much happier in the evenings now, and he seems way more comfortable. He's also sleeping much better! Good luck. Colic is such a challenge.
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