
Lo still not gaining weight

im pretty distraught and I guess looking for any thoughts or advice anyone has.

My daughter is two weeks old today. Born via c section after 3 days of labor at 6 lbs 6.3 oz. At her 5 day appointment she was down to 5 lbs 6.5 oz. My milk was really just coming in at this point. We moved to rigid 2 hour feeding schedule and came back the next two days for weight checks. So happily she gained an ounce each of those days. Then yesterday - six days later - we went in for another and shed lost one of those ounces.
I've been ebf. She seems to be eating and swallowing. She seems to be full and content at the end of her 15-25 minute sessions (now every 2ish during the day and 3ish at night). She's had 6ish wet diapers each day and at least 2 poopy ones. So I'd thought everything was working and good and so upset to see the weight yesterday. Her mouth/tongue look to be fine per the lactation nurse. She CAN latch and we've done it a couple of times but she mostly won't and they keep saying I shouldn't fight it for now while weight is so much of an issue so I've been using a nipple shield to help her (since the first full day in the hospital post birth).

I pumped a couple times last night and got very little (about half an ounce across two sessions). I plan to pump four times today. I started mother love supplement last night and had a "lactation" milkshake. Perhaps these things will help with supply. I'm not feeling too optimistic at the moment. In fact, I'm feeling so defeated.

Well go for another weigh in tomorrow and then she has her two week peds appointment on Monday.

Sorry to write a novella here, but any other suggestions to make this work? I so don't want to give up and am really afraid that if I do give her supplemental bottles of formula she won't go back to the breast. But, obviously, I want my girl nourished and strong.

Re: Lo still not gaining weight

  • It will be fine. My little guy was 8.7 at birth and7.2 less than a week later. We also did the 2 hour feed schedule. He'd eat every two hours then get 1 oz of formula and I'd pump. Even with supplementing it still took almost 3 weeks to get his weight up. I'm all for supplementing if it keeps my baby happy. As long as you are having those weight diapers then you don't need to. That is totally up to you.

    Also as for pumping you won't get much right now after a feeding. Your baby's stomach can only hold about an ounce right now. Your body hasn't adjusted to make any extra milk yet. You're just pumping to make sure you're empty and tell your body to produce more. When your little one is a bit older and you're pumping to have a little stash, I suggest waiting about an hour after you feed to pump. It gives your body a little time to make some milk and isn't so depressing. Please keep in mind even then you should only expect 0.5-2 oz combined. If you pump in place of a feeding say because baby is napping then you should expect 2-4 oz combined.

    The supplements like mother's milk will only work if you make sure to 'empty' your breasts often (keep in mind they are never truly empty you can feed right after you pump and baby will get plenty). Put baby to the breast as much as possible and everything should work out just fine.

    There is tons of reliable breastfeeding information at Take a look at the site while you're feeding. You'll have lots of time to play on your phone. My boy nursed every two hours until 11 weeks. He did have a tongue tie that wasn't clipped until almost 11 weeks though. He also had a poor milk transfer. He was barely getting one ounce total when he ate off of both breasts. If after 6 weeks you still feel like LO is not getting enough I suggest seeing the lactation consultant for a weighted feed.

    Also at 3 weeks and 6 weeks there are two really big growth spurt where it will feel like they haven't left your boob all day. This is totally normal. There are more after that too but I can't remember the exact weeks.

    Good luck!
  • There is nothing stopping you from giving supplemental bottles while you get your supply up via pumping. Just use low flow nipples (e.g. Dr. Browns) and put her to your breast at every feed (but then give her the bottle while you pump to make sure she has enough calories).  I went through this, my first cousin just went through this, and so did countless others. For me, it took at least 10 weeks to go back to nursing 100% of the time, but it was worth it. (Now I'm back at work so pumping 3x a day, but that's a different story.)
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