December 2015 Moms

Why are pregnancy hormones such a... bitch?!

I'm having one of those horrible days ladies!

I've had a shitty night sleep, waking every two hours to go to the bathroom. I've got pain in my knee (which I did yesterday, Dr said my kneecap slipped out of place - all because I tried putting on pants). I'm tired and emotional...

The last thing I wanted to do this morning was get up and go to work. I've spent the whole morning crying like a cranky toddler who just needs a nap. I hate it, I can't stop the stupid tears. I dragged myself to work, only for one of the girls to tell me to go hom because I'm an emotional wreak.

I feel horrible taking a day off work and I feel like other people (including the husband) don't understand what it feels like?!

Just sending my thoughts to any other December mumma's who are having a bad day! I feel ya!
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