May 2016 Moms

Vaping - as big a no-no as smoking?

Heya! Wanted to see if anyone on here is a vaper and if they received any advice on the idea of vaping whilst pregnant? I've been vaping for the first couple of weeks of my pregnancy (had no idea I was pregnant) but I am not planning on vaping throughout the pregnancy. Just curious about advice - not a lot of research on the net :)

Re: Vaping - as big a no-no as smoking?

  • I read about it as i quit smoking cigarettes when i found out. I thought it might be an alternative. But apparently, it's not, even if you're vaping  nicotine - free, it's still no good during pregnancy - sorry for the bad news! 
     (I had a look in a shop and it said: Not to be used during pregnancy). So I sighed, sucked it up... and had to quit just like that. Wasn't super easy but it was doable and worth it, of course :-)

  • Pretty much what I thought! Thank so much. I quit anyways, but I find the topic interesting and not discussed enough.
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  • Probably because it's a bit of a taboo :-) 
    Vaping is seen by many exactly like smoking, therefore evil, therefore no need to discuss... or so I imagine :-)

  • Evil haha. Someone needs to write me a list with all the evils on ;) I am brand spanking new to this!
  • I was a half pack a day smoker before I found out I was pregnant I thought about vape and ecig in order to help me quit or curb my problem

    But through as much as I could find about them it isn't healthy either

    So I quit cold turkey 5 weeks ago
    And I still want a smoke here and there but ultimately it's what best for me and my decision
  • Read a study recently that vaping might be worse than smoking, just because of the chemicals used. Wish I could remember where I saw it. Not sure how valid it was but anything to err on the side of caution during this time! I was a pack a day for years and quit cold turkey about 7 years ago. To anyone trying to quit- Good luck, I know how hard quitting can be. But it is doable!

    cat fail animated GIF

  • Anyone know about "second hand" vaping? My husband is a smoker and he has stopped smoking around me, but he still smokes e-cigs (like if we are in the car together he'll smoke an e-cig instead of a real one). Could the vapors be bad second-hand? Unlike cigarette smoke I hardly even notice a smell or taste to vapors... In fact, I don't think I notice them at all, really.
  • Hubby also vapes next to me and does not bother me at all (and I can't imagine that it's bad) but I would also like an answer to your question :)
  • Vaping is said to be worse because people often take in more nicotine when vaping as opposed to smoking
  • Concerning second-hand vape, studies have shown that those around users are still exposed to nicotine and to chemicals (though not to as high of concentrations of chemicals like in second hand cigarette smoke). There doesn't seem to be a lot of research yet. Here are some of the studies available if you're interested in the research. If you can stay away from it, it's probably the safer choice.
  • Nothing is worth the risk no :)
  • I don't know about vaping during pregnancy. I would assume it's not as bad, but I don't really know. I bet it would change depending on the juice. I do know that a friend of mine, who has 4 kids under 4 now 8-} , flat out refused to stop smoking with any pregnancy. Her OB told her that if she wouldn't stop smoking then to change to clove cigarettes. Which have a ton more nicotine than light cigarettes. I don't understand how that's better???
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  • AppleRidgeAppleRidge member
    edited October 2015
    Maybe cloves have fewer added chemicals?
    4 early losses 2009, 2010, 2015.  Baby #1 born 2/13/11.  
  • clove cigarettes are a lot stronger than normal ones, so that sounds like  BS to me.... 

  • ***lurker be lurkin'***

    Heya! Wanted to see if anyone on here is a vaper and if they received any advice on the idea of vaping whilst pregnant? I've been vaping for the first couple of weeks of my pregnancy (had no idea I was pregnant) but I am not planning on vaping throughout the pregnancy. Just curious about advice - not a lot of research on the net :)

    Since there is not enough data-- I wouldn't count it safe. Also, there is a lot of information on the internet if you go to trusted sources.

    I'm not sure if you used the right key words in Google-- but these are just a few of the sites available.

    ***slinks back to the shadows***

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  • Probably cause I use the word 'Vaping' as opposed to e-cigarette. Thanks for this. :) Pretty much what I thought.
  • edited October 2015
    Regarding the 2nd hand vaping question - I am allergic to cigarette smoke.  We stayed with some friends who vaped a few months ago.  From that experience I learned I cannot be around vaping in a house even with the balcony wide open without having episodes of not being able to breath and needing to remove myself.  This is only while the person is actively vaping though and a short time after, it doesn't linger like cig smoke tends to at least for my reactions and the fact they had all the windows, including the balcony open.  So I would say even though you cannot see the smoke as easily, it is still there in various quantities. 
  • I was a hardcore vaper. My hubby and I own over 20 devices. I stopped vaping three months before my ivf. My hubby still vapes in front of me but holds it in until the vapor is no longer visible.
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